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The Speed of Thought


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  On 9/11/2020 at 7:44 PM, Striker879 said:

LOL ... reading the first of this last pair of posts had me thinking Paga. Should craft a reply to a Paga post or not? If I do, should I be so bold as to click the Post button and possibly disturb poor Paga's slumber?


As if life wasn't already complicated enough!!



I went and checked out all the airs reported by the lovely ladies already. Saw a prospect, reasoned with the tensions in the air between us, and backed off to let the magic work leaving a person who will welcome me next time as a friend. Leaving a good feeling of course; so there in, in the future if I arrive in time for the romantic reasons I'll have a better chance at getting to go to the dance.


So! Back to the discussion or debate. Whatever you want to call it. I will find anything I may know and share as my memory serves. And if one of you suddenly sees a relevant beam of light burst giving some new evidence that a theory has more worth... I hope you will and if it becomes a new way tuned to aid us in life I only care that I feel that twinge of knowing I helped.


If what I offer only stirs the correct arrival in another's mind and they find a new equation that works, and brings in a lot, I mean a LOT of money, hey, invite me to the party!

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Oh! By the way. I was awaiting any posts because I am eager to learn of anything posted in hope your posts would enlighten me.


Not a poor old man attitude that is missing out on sleep here. I am a vibrant old man and hope some of you awaken from the grind and see the powers of the calculations awaken where you were on the border of a discovery!


All of you know you have been! Just a moment more and that epiphany would have born a new math discovery but life, wife, children, the pet, or some friend distracted you.


You've got lots of time to revive your selves. At least I feel I have awaken and aim to use these moments while video games strum strings and make cords that remind me of the wheels and cogs I was assembling before some friend demanded my attention, a woman offered me death or sex, a pet clawed my leg because she wanted to go for a walk.

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Is thought even temporally linked?


Think about how "life" begins and works, say, in a human. An ovum gains nutrients and energy primarily through osmosis. Elements such as Carbon, Nitrogen, Hydrogen and many others, are absorbed, and as they come into contact they either form bonds, or they create electrical currents as positively charged and negatively charged electrons pass by one another. After only 4-6 weeks, the egg has divided enough times, so that a heart and other organs can be built this way. Once that occurs, development of the embryo skyrockets! Now the tiny body can "force" those same elements through the system - the heart for instance is fascinating! Through the exchange or "mixing" of elements, an electrical charge is built up, once there is enough charge to form a critical mass, the bodies own biological capacitors release that energy all at once - BOOM, the muscles in your heart contract, and form the all too familiar pumping motion that all of us just LOVE!.


So the heart pumps ... because it pumps! The process to make the heart pump, is what keeps it pumping!

To me it's a truly ... awe inspiring concept to think about! The sheer complexity and ... beauty ... of the countless trillions of chemical processes and interactions that allow you and me to exist is ... incredible!


Now think of thought. :dry:


At it's core, thought is nothing more than an electrical circuit which is constantly supplied energy by that favourite heart of ours. Much like RAM in a computer. While ever the heart keeps pumping, and energy is supplied, those electrical circuits can "store" information. Imagine a picture on your computer screen that's stored in ram, except in our brains it's stored on a "web" of microscopic electrical wires called neurons.


So ask yourself, does that .jpg image have any true "temporal" connection? Or does it simply exists NOW because it's being fed energy? Does an image you saw yesterday still exist? Or is does it only exist when it's given energy to be created? Are your memories actually from "the past"? Or are they merely images that still exist "at present" because your heart is still "energising" those neurons that contain the image? Does the future already exist? Or is it merely more neurons in your brain being fed energy to create a "fake" image of what your life experience believes will exist? An "intuition" or "educated guess" of what the "future" will look like?

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  On 9/13/2020 at 6:08 AM, Perraine said:

Is thought even temporally linked?


Think about how "life" begins and works, say, in a human. An ovum gains nutrients and energy primarily through osmosis. Elements such as Carbon, Nitrogen, Hydrogen and many others, are absorbed, and as they come into contact they either form bonds, or they create electrical currents as positively charged and negatively charged electrons pass by one another. After only 4-6 weeks, the egg has divided enough times, so that a heart and other organs can be built this way. Once that occurs, development of the embryo skyrockets! Now the tiny body can "force" those same elements through the system - the heart for instance is fascinating! Through the exchange or "mixing" of elements, an electrical charge is built up, once there is enough charge to form a critical mass, the bodies own biological capacitors release that energy all at once - BOOM, the muscles in your heart contract, and form the all too familiar pumping motion that all of us just LOVE!.


So the heart pumps ... because it pumps! The process to make the heart pump, is what keeps it pumping!

To me it's a truly ... awe inspiring concept to think about! The sheer complexity and ... beauty ... of the countless trillions of chemical processes and interactions that allow you and me to exist is ... incredible!


Now think of thought. :dry:


At it's core, thought is nothing more than an electrical circuit which is constantly supplied energy by that favourite heart of ours. Much like RAM in a computer. While ever the heart keeps pumping, and energy is supplied, those electrical circuits can "store" information. Imagine a picture on your computer screen that's stored in ram, except in our brains it's stored on a "web" of microscopic electrical wires called neurons.


So ask yourself, does that .jpg image have any true "temporal" connection? Or does it simply exists NOW because it's being fed energy? Does an image you saw yesterday still exist? Or is does it only exist when it's given energy to be created? Are your memories actually from "the past"? Or are they merely images that still exist "at present" because your heart is still "energising" those neurons that contain the image? Does the future already exist? Or is it merely more neurons in your brain being fed energy to create a "fake" image of what your life experience believes will exist? An "intuition" or "educated guess" of what the "future" will look like?


Which brings this question to my mind (OK ... not for the first time) ...


The laws of physics tell us the energy cannot be either created or destroyed, it simply changes form. The question is ... what happens to that energy in our brains when the heart does stop? Does it merely dissipate into the cosmos, losing it's coherence of thought and memory?

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  On 9/13/2020 at 6:08 AM, Perraine said:

Is thought even temporally linked?


Think about how "life" begins and works, say, in a human. An ovum gains nutrients and energy primarily through osmosis. Elements such as Carbon, Nitrogen, Hydrogen and many others, are absorbed, and as they come into contact they either form bonds, or they create electrical currents as positively charged and negatively charged electrons pass by one another. After only 4-6 weeks, the egg has divided enough times, so that a heart and other organs can be built this way. Once that occurs, development of the embryo skyrockets! Now the tiny body can "force" those same elements through the system - the heart for instance is fascinating! Through the exchange or "mixing" of elements, an electrical charge is built up, once there is enough charge to form a critical mass, the bodies own biological capacitors release that energy all at once - BOOM, the muscles in your heart contract, and form the all too familiar pumping motion that all of us just LOVE!.


So the heart pumps ... because it pumps! The process to make the heart pump, is what keeps it pumping!

To me it's a truly ... awe inspiring concept to think about! The sheer complexity and ... beauty ... of the countless trillions of chemical processes and interactions that allow you and me to exist is ... incredible!


Now think of thought. :dry:


At it's core, thought is nothing more than an electrical circuit which is constantly supplied energy by that favourite heart of ours. Much like RAM in a computer. While ever the heart keeps pumping, and energy is supplied, those electrical circuits can "store" information. Imagine a picture on your computer screen that's stored in ram, except in our brains it's stored on a "web" of microscopic electrical wires called neurons.


So ask yourself, does that .jpg image have any true "temporal" connection? Or does it simply exists NOW because it's being fed energy? Does an image you saw yesterday still exist? Or is does it only exist when it's given energy to be created? Are your memories actually from "the past"? Or are they merely images that still exist "at present" because your heart is still "energising" those neurons that contain the image? Does the future already exist? Or is it merely more neurons in your brain being fed energy to create a "fake" image of what your life experience believes will exist? An "intuition" or "educated guess" of what the "future" will look like?


The center! I considered what could be what we call thought from your reference about the heart.


Do you agree that the heart is the first to recognize the stimulation which we call emotions?


The basic emotions?


Does thought occur because of stimuli that are named emotions?

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Well ... from a purely scientific standpoint, yes. Keeping in mind Einstein's famous E=MC2, once the heart stops beating, and those cells in our brains are no longer being fed extra energy in order to transform, they revert to being simply a large goopy mass of chemicals and elements, nothing more. The question no-one has of yet discovered though - Is it possible to re-create all those chemicals and elements and put them into exactly the same state as they were in YOU, and thereby create another you? Quantum Mechanics would suggest ... No.


Because you cannot, without some level of uncertainty, recreate the exact same configuration, so that it would take you an infinite number of tries to get the mixture "exactly" right. But that also begs the question, how many of those trillions of interconnected particles could you change, and have the outcome still be .. you? After all, our bodies are undergoing trillions of interactions every day, trillions of quantum changes every day, so how much has to be the same and how much can be different?


Which leads into Pagafyr's question ...


What is "life" ? At it's most basic form, life is those simple chemical reactions occurring in such a way that the molecule becomes increasingly more complex, but that requires two things = energy, and room to grow. But what happens when the molecule loses one or both of those? it stops "growing" and either stays static, or reverts to individual chemicals, In other words it dies. But if it gets fed more energy, and interacts with more chemicals it can continue to grow, until it reaches the limit of the locally available chemical interactions i.e. it runs out of room. So what does it do then?


Well here is where the "complex life" or self replicating part comes in. It splits itself in half, essentially reverting to a lesser evolved version of itself in order to regrow or recreate another fully evolved version.

So is that what "life" is? Is it the desire, the basic "emotion" of simply wanting continued existence? The question then becomes ...


Well, who ordered THAT!?!?! :huh:


Could it be that what we call "thought" doesn't actually occur within our bodies, but instead occurs in some other realm, some other dimension, and is only loosely linked to the chemical soup and meat bags we call bodies? Is there something or some ONE that "wants" to exist, and uses us as it's means to do so?


Looking out at the planets, and moons, the stars and nebula, the galaxies, or the whole universe, it looks strangely ... familiar. Almost like the representations that we see in images and videos of the "neural net" that is supposedly the human brain. So could it possibly be, that we are simply "neurons" or even perhaps simply the electrical signals or patterns themselves of a "brain" that is the entire universe? Are we nothing more than the thoughts and dreams of a "being" of such unimaginable complexity that we will never be able to truly comprehend it, and yet somehow, our existence still contributes to it's own search for meaning?

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What I considered was if the heart being affected by stimulation in a variety of ways. I sense and feel a bit of confidence that I am correct in saying via the sense that we are given a charge of an emotion it can and does speed up thought and slow it down.


Fear strikes the heart and revved up the engine so no matter what we do our body will respond quickly in the situation. Turned up the sensors to determine what our situation is.


DANGER! Will Robinson DANGER!


Is our heart a robotic function warning our microbiome body parts, bacteria and all? (Our body which Striker879 brought to my attention in a Microbiome YouTube filling in where I have learned more about the small amount of biology I was already aware of because I stayed focused in 9th grade biology class on the lessons.)


I draw one conclusion from this. That is we can speed up and slow down our thought processes according to the rate of our awareness of our immediate surroundings in the environment and among the people around us.


I still wonder if thought comes only from the stimulation we gauge at those moments and bide by them?


Thereby thinking the heart does do our thinking and it decides what body parts get the most attention when the heart does begin to receive and then gives red and white blood cells their orders to direct the blood cells what to do as they pass through it.

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  On 9/14/2020 at 1:17 PM, Pagafyr said:

The Speed of Thought?


Can the Speed of thought be accelerated, decelerated, and kept at a speed like a vehicle?


In other words: can our mind be trained to change the speed of thought at will?

I don't know about 'trained', but, we have all seen the rate of our perception change, depending on what is going on....... If we are bored stiff, it seems time drags out.... If we are really busy, or truly enjoying ourselves, time flies by..... on the other hand..... if we are about to witness something terrible happening, like, being in a car accident........ the mind goes into over-drive, and it feels like time slows to a crawl. You can feel every wrinkle of the sheetmetal, every splinter of glass breaking, feel the g-forces build is you go from 60 or so to zero in about eight feet...... A truly unpleasant experience that you get to re-live over and over again in your dreams. (nightmares?)

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