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Several mods stopped working after I went back to an old save, then reloaded the new one. I had to force the load because the mods were missing somehow. Now my team is at the Dead Trenches in their underwear, missing most of their weapons. I tried to return to the party camp, but it doesn't exist. All I have is Alistair talking about the archdemon, and a mostly blue background. None of my other character files lost the camp, just the mods. Of course, they were in the post-game camp.


Is there any way to restore what I've lost? It isn't all mods, but about half of them. For instance, QUDAO fixpack won't load, but Family Sword will.

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What game are you talking about?


What mods stop working?

Sorry for not being specific: Dragon Age: Origins. Too many mods to list, but Quinn's Ultimate Fixpack is one. Also Amy Outfits, some dialogue fixes. I'm new to this, so my only idea was to turn them all off, repair the game, and re-enable them. They show up as being enabled now, but are not. I'm wondering if forcing the load glitched the party camp.

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