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After Dragonborn install, Charicter runs too quickly?


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After I got dragonborn I went to whiterun, killed the cultists, then went to the windhelm docks. And then I noticed that I'm running too quickly. I'm going about sprinting speed as a regular walk, and then faster when I do sprint. I tried playing around with my mods, but my game just crashes when I load it without my big mods loaded, IE Skyre, and frostfall. And no matter what I do I can't slow down. My other saves have no problem with it. all walk at the same speed. but this one save! I can't make it work! I did do an update of my mods while it was downloading. and I got




deadly dragons

Immersive Patrols

Kace's auto loot

realistic ragdolls and force



and Skyre


I figured I might as well. and seeing as they need compatibility patches, why not? Probably not the smartest idea. And it effects my old save too. from about 7 levels ago.


Again, console commands don't work (player.set(or)modav speedmult x) And I have no idea what to do. And as far as I can tell. This only effects my running speed. not anything else.

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After I got dragonborn I went to whiterun, killed the cultists, then went to the windhelm docks. And then I noticed that I'm running too quickly. I'm going about sprinting speed as a regular walk, and then faster when I do sprint. I tried playing around with my mods, but my game just crashes when I load it without my big mods loaded, IE Skyre, and frostfall. And no matter what I do I can't slow down. My other saves have no problem with it. all walk at the same speed. but this one save! I can't make it work! I did do an update of my mods while it was downloading. and I got




deadly dragons

Immersive Patrols

Kace's auto loot

realistic ragdolls and force



and Skyre


I figured I might as well. and seeing as they need compatibility patches, why not? Probably not the smartest idea. And it effects my old save too. from about 7 levels ago.


Again, console commands don't work (player.set(or)modav speedmult x) And I have no idea what to do. And as far as I can tell. This only effects my running speed. not anything else.

This seems to be a bug with the latest version of Skyre. Read the comments section for the file for possible solutions.

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SOLVED! Thank you! Buried deep within the comments I found the answer. Heres a copy paste.


My speed bug is fixed by console.



stopquest xx065469

startquest xx065469

xx065469 is ID of "xxxCMInit".(xx of xx065469 is Load Order.)


Looking in the NMM, my load order places the combat module at 38. so my ID was 38065469.

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