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How Many Gems Can I Have?


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That's a lot of gems. As for the issue itself, I think it may be because you have too many entities in one area, as you said spreading the gems out fixes the problem.


I agree with gyroknight. I had a character once that collected Leather Strips, and while I could put hundreds into a container with little trouble (aside from a moment of lag when I transferred them in or out of the container), but if I tried to place them anywhere outside of one, I'd get lag and then crashes after just so many piled up. I think it's because rendering all of them at once may be a bit resource-intensive.

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Quick update:

I found the placeatme command.

With the command

player.placeatme 00063B43,100

You can add 100 emeralds at your feet. I was able to add 600 emeralds before the game crashed. I then tried with cheese wheels and was able to fill up the entire room (lol).

It's so weird that I can add enough cheese wheels to significantly drop my FPS, but I get a smooth 60fps before my game crashes with just emeralds.
Edited by Tuco404
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I tried using nifskope to take a look at the exported emerald.nif and really had no idea what I was doing but I couldn't figure out how to reduce the number of vertices of the object (ex, make it a cuboid instead of what it is) to see if that would stop the game from crashing. Should I be using a different tool or do I just need to try harder with nifskope?

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If its true about what they say, that the crashing is caused by the calculations of physics, changing vertices wont really matter. If the physics is the problem, i think the only way to fix it is to improve the efficiency of the physics itself

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That's possible, but in some of my tests the gems weren't really touching each other and were stationary and I had no fps, but when I added a few more the game became unstable.


I know when I did the same tests with cheese wheels the cheese wheels literally filled a room and were all interacting with each other continuously. I was also getting terrible FPS but I could still generate thousands of them.

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