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Yup, once get through this next step we should have the Khajiit problem sorted out.


So on to Oblivion Character Overhaul v2.


Download the top listed download from the Oblivion Character Overhaul mod page Files tab by clicking the Manual Download button and save that file to a folder that you create and can find again easily.
Once you have the file Oblivion Character Overhaul v203-44676-2-03.zip you will start OBMM and click on the Create button down along the bottom of the window. A dialogue will open and at the top in the Name field change "new mod" to something like OCO v2 (or Oblivion Character Overhaul v2 if you prefer).
In the middle section of the dialogue you'll see an Add Archive button. Click that and a dialogue box will open allowing you to naviagate to where you saved the OCO v2 download. In the right hand panel of this dialogue single left click on Oblivion Character Overhaul v203-44676-2-03.zip and you'll see that file name appear in the File Name field down at the bottom. Click the Open button and OBMM will appear to be not working (you'll see that it is doing something if you move your cursor into the OMOD Creator dialogue). Give it some time and it will finish and you'll now notice that in the Relative Path and File Path columns you have some info.
Next click the Create OMOD button in the lower right corner. You should now see a green box with whatever name you gave it previously (example OCO v2 if that's what you put in before). Double left click on the green box and OBMM will finsih installing Oblivion Character Overhaul.
We will test OCO v2 base install before moving on to the HGEC compatibility addon and Robert Male compatibility addon. All you need to check for is that we do not have the "Install Blockhead" error face (I'm confident we won't).
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Yup ... that'll be fixed in this final step for Oblivion Character Overhaul v2.


Next is the OCO v2 compatibility addons. You will find them down in the Optional Files section on the Files tab.
They will be done the same way that OCO v2 base was ... download manually to a folder, open OBMM and Create and then Add Archive. As you have both HGEC and Roberts Male you'll need to do one addon first and then the other.
I would create names that make sense like OCO v2 HGEC addon and OCO v2 RM addon ... you work out what makes sense to you for names of the OMODs.
Now before you close OBMM and test we want to change which ESPs are activated in the left hand panel of the OBMM window.
Right now you should have a tick beside EVE_KhajiitFix.esp and MaleBodyReplacerV5.esp ... I want you to click and turn off the tick beside each.
Oblivion_Character_Overhaul.esp has the same fix for Khajiit that EVE does and the MaleBodyReplacerV5.esp and Oblivion_Character_Overhaul.esp conflict with one another. Oblivion_Character_Overhaul.esp does everything that Roberts Male needs to work with OCO v2 so all will be good without it's ESP activated.
Then go into the game and see if all looks well with the Khajiit and races like the Orcs (you could have a look at all races if you want).
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Yes that is correct.


Do the double click to turn each Addon from green to blue in the right hand panel, and then when you've done that remove the tick marks beside EVE_KhajiitFix.esp and MaleBodyReplacerV5.esp as they are no longer needed.

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The Khajiit female got some rough treatment from Bethesda in the vanilla game, and there haven't been as many people making good texture replacers for Khajiit and Argonians as there have been for other races (well Orcs, Dunmer and Altmer are pretty neglected too).


I do have a couple of suggestions I can offer for Khajiit females and males if you like. I know about them but have never used them myself.

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Lunas OCO Khajiit Female Fix and Khajiit Male Body for Oblivion Character Overhaul version 2.


They both may need to be installed manually with copy and paste (in my opinion when looking at the downloads). You could try by using OBMM and the Add Archive but the downloads may just confuse OBMM with the way they are structured.


If they are a problem with OBMM I can walk you through the copy/paste operation if you need help with it.

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