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Need help to mod


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All right ... we're making progress, and it's not going backwards!!


For Khajiit Male Body we will be doing the same copy and paste but with a different source folder level for the copy and so we'll use a different target folder for the paste (the rule of thumb when copy and pasting folders is you always paste into one folder level higher thatn the one you copied).
After you extract the Khajiit Male to the folder you downloaded to you will see a folder named [TNP] OCOv2 Khajiit Male Body, and inside that folder you will find a Meshes folder and a Textures folder.
Right click on the Meshes folder and select Copy ... navigate to your game install's Data folder and select Paste. Again you will answer yes to the folder merge and file overwrite prompts.
Next do the same with the Textures folder ... copy and then paste in Data, yes is the right answer to the prompts.
Again no ESP is required, just go into the game and see if you can notice the difference.
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We're on a roll!


I need to drag my old butt through the shower, so give me about 15 or 20 minutes.


You now have everything in place for you to create your character with the mods needed for character and NPC improvement.


I suggest you create your character and go through the tutorial dungeon right up to the point where you can see the sewer exit in the distance. Make a save there using the Esc menu save in a new slot. Then exit the sewer and make another save, not overwriting the first.


The first will be one you can use to make a new character down the road, without going through the whole tutorial again. The second will be for testing mods as we get them installed.


After that maybe take a run up to the Imperial City Market District and get a feel for how your game performance is with just these base mods installed.


I'll be right back.

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Ok ... my next suggestion is to install Vanilla Gear Redux, which will be the finishing touches on this part of your "base install" (providing you haven't uncovered any issues with your testing).

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Out growing the training wheels ... there you are, would you look at that!!


OK, I think this would be a good time to make a backup of the progress so far. I don't know how you are set for hard drive space (I build my own computers so I have drive space out the whazoo, but I know not everybody does).


If drive space is at a premium perhaps a large enough thumb drive/USB stick/USB external drive?


What I'm suggesting is to do a right click/copy on the game's Oblivion\Data folder and then paste that into either a folder on your hard drive (I'd name the folder something like Base_Install_1 or similar). If down the road you wnat to start out with a new character using a new load order these mods would surely be on your "must have" list still. If you back them up now then getting back to where we are right now is just a simple copy/paste and you're there.

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Yes ... I wanted to be certain that if Vanilla Gear Redux doesn't have a HGEC replacement for some obscure piece of vanilla armor or clothing that we had at least the EVE version (EVE includes eveything). Now that you have installed Vanilla Gear Redux over top of EVE you have everything you need for armor and clothing.


That's why I'm saying this is a good spot for a backup.

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