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Yes it does allow enchantment stacking, as well as some other changes to how the magic system plays out.


I use Magicka-based enchantment limits but I now see I have downloaded both Enchantment Mastery and Sorcerys Toll in the past. I now I recall that I had intended to try them for my next character (whenever that happens).


My guy started out on the path of the Spell Sword but he is pretty well just pure mage now (who carries an assortment of blades for backup). At low levels mages are cannon fodder for bandits, marauders etc, plus I'm always needing to train up the skills needed for Strength and Endurance (I use vanilla leveling).


The other one that caught my eye for a possible next step is Weapon Improvement Project.

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I find that Magicka Based doesn't balance things out as well as what I think Enchantment Mastery will, but I haven't done that experiment myself yet. I also like the idea with Enchantment Mastery that if you try to over-enchant an item it may fail or even get destroyed.


Another mod I use is Unequip Broken Armor which has a similar function ... there is a chance that when a piece of armor is broken it gets completely destroyed. It really makes those minotaurs more deadly with their butt head attack (which has a chance to break your armor). It also means you get into a habit of keeping your armor fixed up.


Maybe I'm a bit weird, but I tend to prefer having some frustration in my game (though I do say a bad word or two when my good armor gets broken and destroyed). That is probably why I'm drawn towards Enchantment Mastery and Sorcerys Toll.

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LOL ... so you like to live dangerous too I see!!


OK from all I can see Enchantment Mastery doesn't help you with editing EnchantmentMastery.ini but everything I see in it is straightforward and well explained. I suggest we install it and then when you are using it we can tweak EnchantmentMastery.ini if something doesn't suit your tastes.


Download Enchantment Mastery to a folder and extract to that same folder. It is just two files and one folder named omod conversion data. EnchantmentMastery.esp and EnchantmentMastery.ini are the files we need so copy both and then paste into the game's Oblivion\Data folder. Open OBMM and put a tick on EnchantmentMastery.esp and then run BOSS.


I'd say give Enchantment Mastery a good test before we add Sorcerys Toll so that you get a good feel for what comes from Enchantment Mastery in terms of game play before we add the second mod.


- Edit - Wow I just looked at our 7 day weather forecast ... it shows at least a chance of rain each day in the coming week. I'm hoping they change their tune when we get to next week.

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done and the Enchantment Mastery and it works but i think i just keep that one not the rest i just like to think that enchantment should be a chance

also same with the weather her it gonna rain all week for me im just waiting so i can go out and skate before the snow show up :tongue:

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