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Now did WB put a desktop shortcut for you? If so that is how you will run it.


WB can be a bit slow to initialise when you start it and when you do different things once it is open, so use a little patience while using it.


Open WB and we will set a few things up before using it to create your first bashed patch.

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OK ... we can make a shortcut later.


First thing is to click on the Mods tab and you will get a page with a list of your installed mods.


We want to turn of Lock Load Order in Wrye Bash because the newer versions do not support BOSS any more (and we are using BOSS to sort our load orders).


Look at this picture for a guide to the next steps.


Right mouse click in the area near the top beside the word File and you will get a context menu like shown in the picture. Second up from the bottom of that menu is Lock Load Order ... if it has a tick mark click on it to remove the tick by left clicking ... if it does not have a tick mark (like shown in my pictute) you don't need to do naything and can single left click outside of the menu to close it.


The best way to switch between another task like the web browser and Wrye Bash is to first minimise the other task and then click to bring WB to the front (and it will still take some time ... that is why this is taking me so long).


It is normal for WB to take some time after you do things ... even for it to start responding after you click over to your web page and then move back to WB.

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Sorry it takes a while to get the screenshots from WB ... I should have got this all prepared first.


Next we want to make sure the blank bashed patch is activated. Look down near the botom of my load order in this pic and you'll see a tick mark beside my bashed patch.


If yours does not have a tick just single left click and then wait until WB finishes.


A trick I use to see if WB is finished is to move your mouse around on the screen and look down at the very bottom for the messages it puts in the bottom bar (you can see the words Active in load list on my screenshot).


Once you have a tick beside Bashed Patch, 0.esp close WB and run BOSS.

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Not needed yet ... the bashed patch is still just an empty one waiting for our next steps. I'm working on them now ... need one more screenshot I think.

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Next we will make a bashed patch.

The bashed patch is a mod that WB makes for you. It takes all of the conflicting things from the other mods in your mod list and puts all that stuff in one place (the bashed patch).

Start Wrye Bash and right mouse click on the Bashed Patch, 0.esp and from the right click context menu select Rebuild Patch (you will notice that I use the Beta version of the bashed patch ... I recommend you use the regular version). See this pic.

After a few seconds you will see a pop-up window like this pic. Leave all of the options in the left side at their defaults (some ticked, some not) and click on the Build Patch button.

It will take some time to build the bashed patch. You will see a new pop-up that says Bashed Patch, 0.esp at the top that gives info on what WB is doing while it prepares and builds the bashed patch.

When the bashed patch is done you will get a new pop-up with the bashed patch report like this pic. You can scroll through to read about all the things that were included in the bashed patch or just close it.

After you close the report pop-up it will take some time before Wrye Bash is responsive ... use my mouse trick to see when it's finished (you will also know when the dark blue highlight shows up on the bashed patch in the list).

Close Wrye Bash and start the game to confirm that all is working correctly.

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I'll be to answer that once we do the next part ... you will know how to post your load order like a pro!!


Give me a bit to get the screenies etc prepared.

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