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I worked with a modder from Finland for a while ... was a young guy about the same age as my oldest granddaughter. Haven't heard from him since he finshed college, probably busy working and moving on to things other than making mods and playing games.


I've added another of the Nordic countries to my friends around the world list ... cool. :cool:


- Edit - Ya you'll be good I would think ... better grphics card with twice my memory, faster CPU (I'm 3.0 GHz) and twice my RAM as well.


- Edit 2 - So we are 6 hours apart ... I'm in Ontario Canada right a the south end of Lake Huron.

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cool no wonder why you so good at this stuff you probably have lots of experience :ohmy:

and im not so good with computer stuff just a litt bit her and there but i keep forgetting stuff it usually my brother that is IT guy xD

canada you mean norway 2.0 sorry bad joke

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cool no wonder why you so good at this stuff you probably have lots of experience :ohmy:

and im not so good with computer stuff just a litt bit her and there but i keep forgetting stuff it usually my brother that is IT guy xD

canada you mean norway 2.0 sorry bad joke


LOL ... but it got me laughing. Do you know a spot where we could escape?


Needs good health care, would be nice to have no winter ... but that usually comes with bad storms ... hmm.


Besides, what's wrong with dark by 4 pm (depending on where in Norway you may even find that an improvement in a few months).


- Edit - Yes I may be more experienced, but that comes at a price ... lots of kilometers on the odometer!!

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well in norway down at the bottom where i live you get all four season but not as cold in the winter but still snow

at the left bottom you get a litt bit warmer and you dont get snow as much but you do get rain instead

and opp top you get very cold weather especially in winter and

at the right side of norway you is the same think you get same as bottom

so you cant escape the snow or rain but now again last winter it only snow 2 time where i live that was amazing

but now again we do have free health care and somting that called NAV which is helping people find and get jobb and if you cant get a job they will give you money to help you for food and rent and stuff

Edited by Wolf382
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So I'm just about done supper. Do we attempt Qarls and possibly leave you with a broken game overnight, or make a fresh start in the morning here, lunch time for you?


- Edit - Well late lunch time for you ... us retired guys are not known for being early risers (at least this one isn't).

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well i dont have a jobb im kinda young retired its hard to explain what it is called i tried google but it saying Disability pension so i have all the time in the world

but i think we can stop for now its soon 2 am for me and i cant get my head up

Edited by Wolf382
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well in norway down at the bottom where i live you get all four season but not as cold in the winter but still snow

at the left bottom you get a litt bit warmer and you dont get snow as much but you do get rain instead

and opp top you get very cold weather especially in winter and

at the right side of norway you is the same think you get same as bottom

so you cant escape the snow or rain but now again last winter it only snow 2 time where i live that was amazing

but now again we do have free health care and somting that called NAV which is helping people find and get jobb and if you cant get a job they will give you money to help you for food and rent and stuff


Your winters are quite similar to what we have where I live then. Not really winter, not really any other season though. Cold and wet changes to a bit warmer and not so wet (but damp, so it still has that nice cold feel to it). I shoveled snow twice last winter too, and went out to sweep off a dusting of snow a few times.


When I retired 12 years ago I thought maybe I'd take up cross country skiing ... you know something that is not hard on the knees, gives a good workout and maybe would offset the hours spent sitting at the computer. Trouble is I'd need to drive 4 or 6 hours to go skiing each time, so it would never happen.

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