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So I have a suggestion for the next step ... Maskars Oblivion Overhaul (MOO).


I have never installed it myself, but I've been following it's development since it first came out. Six years ago when I set up my current load order I thought about adding MOO but then decided against it at that time. I already had some mods that changed how the game plays (Basic Primary Needs, Basic Physical Activities and Realistic Fatigue) and I didn't want to change too much all at once.


I also didn't think I'd be playing the same character 6 years later.


In your list you have a note about getting one shotted with MOO. Entirely possible and there are ways to avoid that situation, both using the settings available in the different INI files that MOO has, and a nifty little mod that I do use with my current character ... SM Combat Hide.


With SM Combat Hide you can duck behind a rock or large tree or building and the bandit, or creature will often lose track of where you went. With MOO some enemies will be too hard for you to fight when your character is low level, so that will give you a chance to sneak away and live to fight another day. MOO also has a way for you to play dead which may also give you a chance to escape.


MOO comes with an installation script that helps you set up it's INI options when you install it with OBMM (it is designed for OBMM installation).

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then i think i skip that mod if i remember when i testet it (which was start at the summer) i manage to come across creatures that had a weapon that did have 30 damage and that was just level 1 area so you basically got op to normal vanila creatures at the start that doesnt sound fun also did get one shot at the starting area by a ghoul

but i think i want that mod you where talking about SM Combat Hide

Edited by Wolf382
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No ... my thinking there was to see how big of a performance hit installing MOO would have ... I have seen some reports that some people think it affects game performance.


Looking at the Creature Diversity (CD) mod description and mod comments I'm pretty sure that some of those same creatures you saw in MOO are in CD and they aren't just a retexture (for example you will still find that ghoul that gave you trouble, and it will still be as strong as it was with MOO).


Another question I'd like to ask is how much experience do you have playing Oblivion in the past?

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I looked at Creature Diversity.esp in TES4Edit and the lowest level ghoul is 10 levels above the player.


With CD the only way to change what creatures you encounter is to use the Construction Set and actually change Creature Diversity.esp yourself.


With MOO you can stop creatures from appearing by making changes in Maskar's Oblivion Overhaul.ini (in the case of the ghouls you set the line ...


set MOO.ini_add_ghouls to 1




set MOO.ini_add_ghouls to 0


... and then ghouls don't appear at all. Later in the game when you are at a higher level and more experienced/powerful at fighting/casting magic you just change that line back to it original and continue playing.


With MOO almost everything you find in the game that comes from MOO can be customised to how you would like it.

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i mean hmmm sure why not and if its a way to get rid of the annoying goul sure but i still think it a good a ide to add the mod you suggested :smile:

okay should i do OBMM-create-add archive-MOO-turn blue thing right? just want to make sure

Edited by Wolf382
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