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yes please and im sorry i just cant find it

i tried too google/youtube it too and i still can't find it

and is there more people checking in that's a little embarrassing :laugh:


Kats has been following along pretty well from the beginning ... and there is nothing to be embarrassed about. I played my part in this little side trip into the weeds. Let's get back on familiar ground.



Download Sounds of Cyrodiil Full Version 1.1 = No patch Required (top download) to a folder and extract it to that same folder.


You will now see Sounds of Cyrodiil.esp and some readmes and a folder named Sound. Copy the Sound folder and paste it into your Oblivion\Data folder (yes to the folder merge and any file overwrites ... shouldn't be any file overwrites though).


Next copy Sounds of Cyrodiil.esp and paste it in your game's Oblivion\Data folder. Run BOSS as usual.


The next part will be a bit different because we can now use Wrye Bash to activate the Sounds of Cyrodiil.esp before we rebuild the bashed patch.


So it's open Wrye Bash and wait for it to finish loading. Find Sounds of Cyrodiil.esp in the Mods tab list (the BOSS sort will have it up fairly high in your load order). click on the box to activate it and when it is activated you will see a tick mark beside it.


Next scroll down in the Mods tab to your Bash Patch, 0.esp and right click it and select Rebuild Patch. On the Update Bashed Patch, 0.esp dialogue box click on Build Patch.


When it's done close the Report dialogue box and once Wrye Bash is finished you can close it.


Start the game and see what you hear!

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done its perfect

also i guess im still bit insecure when i write too people and scare of what they think of me but im cool im cool

so hello kats welcome to the adventure of wolf and striker i guess XD


Kats has been shy so far ... I've given a couple of shout outs but we haven't gotten a response yet. That's OK, I like having somebody look over my shoulder to keep me from making a mistake or getting off in the wrong direction.


So do you have Thieve's Den, Knights of the Nine and Mehrune's Razor Wolf?

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Yup that's what I meant.


OK so on the Sounds of Cyrodiil Files tab down in the Optional Files section download Knights of the Nine Add-on, Mehrunes Razor Add-on and Thieves Den Add-on to a folder (all three can be the same folder) and extract to that same folder.


Copy Sounds of Cyrodiil - KOTN Add-on.esp, Sounds of Cyrodiil - Mehrune's Razor Add-On.esp and Sounds of Cyrodiil - Thieves' Den Add-On.esp and paste them into your Oblivion\Data folder.


Run BOSS and then open Wrye Bash. Same as before activate (put a tick on) each of the three ESPs, and then rebuild Bashed Patch, 0.esp and close Wrye Bash when it is finished.


It will be difficult to test each of these as you need to start the DLC quest first (especially the Knights of the Nine ... it has a whole quest you need to finish before you can start the KotN main quest). I'm certain that if the main Sounds of Cyrodiil is working then the DLC addons will too.

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OK good. That should have a check mark beside Sounds of Cyrodiil in the list then.


Next time you are in Wrye Bash check that the Lock Load Order didn't get a tick mark beside it somehow (way back the first thing we set up in WB). You want no tick beside Lock Load Order.


How about we finish the last few mods tomorrow?


Have a look at the mod comments for Hide Helms ... I am seeing some disturbing reports there. The one's where they can't get it to work are probably just problems getting OBSE to work (pretty common problem).


The reports that give me a red flag are the one's where you lose a hidden helmet if you forget and hide a different one over top of it. That is something a good mod would not allow to happen, in my opinion.

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yeah we can finish rest tomorrow i feel pretty drain out after the hole wrye bash thing

we can just skip the hidden helmet if you think that is a gonna be a problem

it was more for the cosmetic you know sens you spend the time too make a character and then you just gonna wear a helmet all the time that seems a bit weird too me

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yeah we can finish rest tomorrow i feel pretty drain out after the hole wrye bash thing

we can just skip the hidden helmet if you think that is a gonna be a problem

it was more for the cosmetic you know sens you spend the time too make a character and then you just gonna wear a helmet all the time that seems a bit weird too me


What I do with my character is don't wear a helment and then make up for the loss by giving extra armor enchantments on other pieces of armor.


The game doesn't use location based damage, so it just looks at your total armor rating when it determines damage when an enemy hits you.


Early in the game, when my guy is low level and I can't enchant stuff yet I'll wear a helmet when dungeon diving (it's usually hard to avoid being hit in those tight places). Then when he's out on the roads or wilderness he get's the wind blowing through his ponytail.


Once I can enchant then the helmets get left at home.

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