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Notifications not working atm?


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The notifications (the bell widget), seems to have stopped working and in my page, last updated ~ 11 hours ago. The main page, does show comments with current time stamps, but, not the bell.


Not a huge deal or anything, and will probably start working again at some point. Just wanted to mention it.

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If you press the little bell Notifications, upper RH of the page, those are 12 hours out of sync\date for me. and apparently, for Hilli1 as well. yes, I have refreshed the browsers itself. And, that is about all I can really do with it. If I look at the main, page where it displays comments on the feed, those are fine for me as well. The BELL icon, however, is the issue.

Edited by Mebantiza
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for 2 days now. Also massive timeouts between cloudfare and nexus, and between users.nexusmods and nexusmods.com after submit pw

Today I got, when I looged in new, some (10-12) older notifications, but nothing more.

The complete tracking system is gone.

Edit: I got a notification when a user post a comment in one of my mods/translations. This seems to work, but not notifications of other mods with checkmarked tracking

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Pickysaurus, maybe it's often locatin related. I notice often problems wirh cloudfaire and/or problems between cloundfare and nexus.com (reporter by cloudfare by pop up a window relaated) and timeouts. or slowing responde (i.e. on DSL it is not normal that bnetween my provider and cloudflaire is a tracert of more than 35 ms while other international transfers have 9-12 ms only.)

Also, it may be caused by browser (my feeling is that after the past two updates of Firefox (I now have v. 81.0 64bi) problems with upload of files are more often, than before. But this also dies correspondence with the other time window of problems, so it may be that the updates of firefox randomly are at same time as the problems on one(?) of your systems)

The "regular" problems are (1) after complete upload of a file at "manage files" (the progress bar is full) *very often* (80%) I need to wait endlass for the change of window to can klick "save" . It comes nothing moire from server (cloudfare). my workaround is, that I click on canceland immedeately load again, and that does cause uploading again but refresh only and then I get the "save" click option instantly. This for me is the clear proof, that cloudfare does not interact correctly, or nexusmods.com resp. the server in case. This is a shakehads- or https-thing, anyways a lack in security related connection. (II had done professional internet server for 30 years, such issues had been very often caused by a corrupt package on server after a server update.)

anyways, this issue here, the missing notifications, is an extra issue.:

Notifications of user posting for own mods seem to come fine, but not for other mods, a tracking thing. (liike if you disabled all tracking for non own mods, and this also directs my suspect to an "update" you made causing a failure in another section. Check what "updates" you made internal on server within past 4 weeks.)


Edit: unfortunately, I have no idea how to run a log for this that I can provide. If you want and provide such, I can install it temporarily and start before I connect to nexus.

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Pickysaurus - it just happened again: Login issue

the steps:

1) click on "Login"

2) get "Login" buttom with blue border, nothing more

3) after F5 I get coudflare window

Error 524 Ray ID: 5d803fda0c0921a5 • 2020-09-24 23:24:26 UTC
A timeout occurred
users.nexusmods.com Host Error

4) after F5 again I get nexusmods.com with

"You are already signed in." and its main home page.

tracert says 16 ms, so it's not the connection but the server

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