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Buying a new laptop, want to know how well it'll run Skyrim.


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Serious dude, build a computer, you can do it for relatively cheap and it'll out live a laptop.

I was in your situation and wanted a laptop but honestly unless its a dedicated gfx your wasting your time, I understand it sucks to hear this but stick with a computer opposed to laptop, you won't regret it

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Sometimes desktops aren't really feasible, though. I for one, often have to game in secret because Asian parents. Thus, having a laptop allows me to, ah, face away from the doorway of my room. Sneakysneaky.


Having a desktop? NNNNNot really feasible.

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GPU pretty much = graphics card, yeah. An integrated graphics card is integrated into the motherboard and uses the system's built-in RAM as its source of memory. It's cheaper and runs cooler, but since it's limited to system RAM (which tends to be slower) you're definitely going to catch hitches in regards to gaming graphics. Meanwhile, dedicated graphics cards have their own separate and dedicated RAM which is used wholly and only by the GPU. As brought up in the previous sentence, dedicated GPUs are more expensive and run hotter- hence why they tend to have fan(s) built into them.


Integrated graphics cards are good for normal computer use. Dedicated graphics cards can do all that AND they can allow you to play games easier (unless you have a craptastic processor) and run certain imaging/media programs such as Photoshop or Flash Suite, what have you.


Seeing as you're prooooobably a gamer if you're here in the first place, dedicated graphics cards are the way to go. Or at least go with AMD integrated graphics. *is stuck with Intel HD Graphics...*


Edit: Also, you could have just put this into a search engine. WHY DID I BOTHER WITH THIS?!

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The PC that video was recorded on has the same integrated graphics but it has a better CPU so you probably wouldn't get that level of performance. You might still be able to play Skyrim with similar settings to the ones he's using, but you won't get the same fps. I would imagine you'd average somewhere around 30 fps with those settings (with drops/spikes in the low 20/high 30 range) on the laptop you're looking at. To be honest you may not even get fps that high without turning the settings down a little more, but since I've never used similar hardware this is all just educated guessing.

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