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What do non-Americans think of President Barack Obama


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Well I'm a US citizen so I don't know if my opinion is valid but I will give it anyway. :P I think he is more of a celebrity than an actual president. Kinda like a uncle tom version of P Diddy. Goes on late night talk shows like David Letterman, Jon Stewart, Jay Leno, the View, etc. and his wife Michelle acts like shes the Queen of America appearing on TV shows, announcing awards at the Oscars, appearing on talk shows, and being on the front cover of Vogue magazine, etc... I don't know though, as a minority, its cool that hes the first black president but that's all hes going to be known for unfortunately.

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I'd take Obama over our Prime Minister and 'ruling' party. At least, in the US they do not amend the Constitution every time it gets in the way of something fishy that the government tries to introduce as 'an improvement dictated by the people's sense of justice'.

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