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Final attempt... let's have some humour here!


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Serious interlude...


For those of you that read my 'Cat-astrophe' post about frying my GPU whilst trying to avoid standing on my cat, my PC woes got worse. The PC now randomly goes tits-up* on me. I'm getting an upgrade built but this has stopped me getting back to the forum whilst I try to back up everything I'll need to transfer.


End of serious interlude.


Me (alternate personality): "What? You're being serious on your own post asking people for more humour? That's plain stupid!"

Reply (Me): Yes. I realise how wrong I am for doing this and can only apologise.


Rasikko, sorry. I couldn't tell if you were being humorous there or not! Ahh! that was your point. You are really very good at this. Intended or not, that was pretty humorous! I'd say that was natural talent, you've got there.


* Tits-up: a serious and not at all rude expression. Origin: stems from the behaviour of the tit family of birds. These birds fly close to the ground, unlike swifts, birds of prey, etc. If you observe tits flying high up in the sky, you are either very drunk, on drugs, or there is something terribly wrong with the tits, hence the expression.

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