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Fallout 4 Patented: What we wanna see brought over from NV


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I hope they can push Bethesda in to getting the rights to a another title, I'd like to see them make a better game. I imagine Bethesda probably won't be in any hurry to do this, after all with Fallout 4 patented they wouldn't be looking to have another title in the franchise compete with their own title, and I imagine everyone would be sitting on Obsidians side of the fence hahaha. It will be interesting to see how this develops.

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All the assetts from FO3 and NV and whatever new stuff they dream up included. Moddable cross games. It would be the biggest moddable game ever built. Content from FO3 and NV could be included.



Did you hear that Bethesda? XDXDXDXD.

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I was sort of hoping for more variety when it comes to the mutated creatures. From New Vegas we have maybe 15 main types of monsters and a bunch of sub-types. This is the nuclear apocalypse people! More creatures! More mutants! More Everything! (except Cazadors. I hate Cazadors.)


I'd also like to see radiation be more of a serious matter. Though I'm sure that plenty of modders will make radiation mods if Bethesda doesn't buff it up. Radiation is serious business! And in both Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas, radiation was just a nuisance at most. Make it more serious! Make wading through an irradiated pool have more prominent effects! BUT also make spending minutes in an irradiated cesspool more rewarding!

Perhaps some better animations for the NPCs and make them more suited to the environment. They've been in the wastes for a couple hundred years! That means they can walk past a rock without melting into it!


Lastly, I want the theme to be more "post-apocalypticy". In Fallout: New Vegas, I felt it was more like a different world which never developed past shantytowns instead of our world in ruins. Also, be more diverse! It's not as if every human in the wasteland has the same build!


Despite all the suggestions, I'm honestly just really happy that there'll probably be a new Fallout, be it F:NV2 or Fallout 4.

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If a west-coast sequel is ever made, I think it would be really interesting if it was based on an NCR civil war,


The NCR has expanded too quickly, and not everyone in the new territories want them there. From Baha to Nevada to Oregon, territories are rebelling against the authority of Shady Sands. As Caesar's Legion still struggles with the fallout from the death of its talismanic leader two decades previously, the Brotherhood of Steel try to regain their power in the core region by any means necessary, and after outsmarting them all at the Battle of Hoover Dam, suspicions are mounting that Robert House is beginning to lust after more than just a technological playground in New Vegas.


And into this powder keg walks a lonely traveller from beyond the borders of the NCR, outside the reach of Caesar's cohorts, and this one individual could have the power to change the future of the entire region forever...


At my count, that's five different, interesting factions, allowing for a huge game world, loads of interesting and varied quests, and some unique play styles from each, from the technological brute-force approach of the Brotherhood of Steel, to the tough, hardy stealth masters of the NCR Rebels.


I love the world Obsidian created in New Vegas, I love how it deals with people reclaiming a post-nuclear wasteland and dealing with all the challenges they face to put together a functioning world, instead of just blasting through enemies to reach an objective. And I'd love to see the series continue in that direction. There are plenty of games where you fight hordes of mutated enemies in claustrophobic ruins (and I've heard that S.T.A.L.K.E.R. does this far better than most). What the Fallout Series does is more or less unique in my experience.

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How about this for a potential NV Sequel Plot - Based on a certain NV ending path and what a certain person in Lonesome Road believes(see Spoiler below), a bunch of people 'left in the dust' after NV are NOT happy with the Courier for what he/she did. They get to thinking that Couriers can become a credible threat if they were ever unified and become more than just Glorified Mailmen. (Well a credible threat to their agenda. To the people of Goodsprings, no) So a couple of decades in the future Couriers start ending up being ambushed, setup and killed. An attempt on the Player's Character fails and now the Courier has to prevent this new threat from wiping out the Mohave Express and bringing back the old conflicts that were in New Vegas.



In Lonesome Road, a Courier named Ulysses believes on person can change everything. In a NV Ending Path, its possible to give the NCR, Legion, and Mister House a Giant Middle Finger and let other people live their own lives without being influenced by those three factions.

For a direct sequel, the remnants of NCR, Legion, and Mr. House eventually find one another and instead of directing their hatred toward one another, they direct it toward the Courier and the Mojave Express.


What I want to see in FO4/Possible NV2 -

Better work on the Keyboard Binding. Stated this elsewhere but when rebinding the 'E Button', all instances of the what the E Button can do should be carried over to the New Button. And if V.A.T.S is carried over, make that work properly to.

Make Radiation Spots a viable threat.

NO MORE STUPID LEVEL CAPS! If a person wants to rush through the game and beat it at some low level, fine! If they want to be 'Ferdinand Magellan', fine! Don't punish the players with caps for exploring the game world inside and out because at some point a lot of players will just say 'screw this, can't level up any further so there's no need to explore or do anymore Side Quests.' I rarely if ever hit Level 100 in games that have a Level System but I don't want to get screwed over because I like to explore every inch of a game either.

Make certain Enemies immune to a Character's Perk(s). For example a Perk that gives 15% Gun Damage Bonus will work against 99% Enemies but there can be a 1% where that Perk won't work no matter if the Character is packing a 9mm Pistol or a Minigun.

Emphasize the truth about the Vaults - They weren't meant to save anyone. In FO 1 and 2, that was a point that was hard to drive home visually because of graphics limitations. However with bigger and more importantly, realistic graphics in FO3 and NV, the point could have been driven home big time with how hellish these places were but honestly it wasn't. There was no sense of dread and fear exploring these places in FO3/NV like there is in a game like Amnesia or Silent Hill.

Edited by Graeystone
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I just hope Fallout 4 will have the same kind of "Retro-futuristic 50's feeling" like New Vegas has/had. I know, Fallout 3 had it too, but in New Vegas, it just felt stronger, so to say, and I realy liked that.



However, I hope Fallout 4 will have a better stock UI. Not the consolish interface like we PC gamers have to deal with like in 3 and NV. That is, of course, if you haven't installed DarnUI.


Also, if they add dual wielding (which could work out f*#@ing great, as long as they don't f*#@ up like in Skyrim), than they better don't f*#@ it up.

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