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I third it.


I -did- see a few Morrowind house mods that included faux mirrors, in which there was always a glare in the glass from some unseen light source, but I think that's probably about as close as we're gonna get.


Which is sad...there are working mirrors in Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance, and I would spend hours just monkeying around in front of them, just because I could.

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What a great idea. I never thought of this either until right this minute reading your post. I like the idea of the character looking at his-herself in the mirror only to see someone else's reflection behind their own.....hmmmm. :)


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I think the problem with doing it in an Elder Scrolls game is the fact that there's so much that can be done to customise the player-character. In the other discussed games, character appearance is fairly set, to the best of my knowledge.

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I had an idea that might work. Is there a way to duplicate a camera, make it stationary, have it pointing out from the mirror and the image showing up on the mirror. If I can find out, that might actually work, and it would allow the player to have whatever mods they want, since the camera would be projecting their image.

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