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problème après un supprimage du jeux


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bonjour alors j'ai un gros problème après avoir fait n'importe quoi avec les mods je décide de supprimer tous les fichier du jeux steam et de le retelecharger mais maintenant j'ai un autre problème le jeux se lance mais se ferme quelque seconde apres


je vois ca




et jai aucune idée de comment ravoirs se fichier s'il vous plait aider moi si posible






ggtrad in english :


hello so I have a big problem after doing anything with the mods I decide to delete all the steam game files and reload it but now I have another problem the games launch but close a few seconds later

I see it

and i have no idea how to get it back please help me if possible

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$100 bucks says you extracted the zip to the game directory so now you have a F4SE FOLDER in your game root directory, instead of having the DLLs and Loader.EXE in the game directory.

Read the install instructions in the F4SE zip

F4SE Install

[ Installation ]
1. Copy the dll, f4se_loader.exe, and f4se_steam_loader.dll files to your Fallout installation folder. This is usually C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Fallout 4\, but if you have installed to a custom Steam library then you will need to find this folder yourself. The files in _for_test_only are, as it says, for test only.
2. Launch the game by running the copy of f4se_loader.exe that you placed in the Fallout installation folder.
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