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Mod permissions and copyleft


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If a person were to declare their mods to be "Copyleft" protected, meaning that it is free to use by others as a resource so long as the mods that they produce using it are also made freely available resources, would the Nexus rules be capable of enforcing this? As it is right now the available choices for the "Users can modify my file" question are:

Yes, no permission needed

Yes, with credit

Not without permission


None of which would describe what I'm thinking of. I realize that there is the option to "specify my own permissions", so I could write a little copyleft blurb in there but I wonder if it would be enforced under the site rules. A search of the forums for "copyleft" turns up only a few results, mostly about NMM and none of which clarify how the site rules would play on this.

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... If everyone had their own custom rules enforced our admins may have a handbook. Simply leave your custom permissions on your mod and report anyone you find in violation of it. Admins do not necessarily know whether a new mod contains your content or not. So, if you report the file/author in question for breaking your copyright specifications then they can follow up on the legitimacy of your claim.

I think the basic options are pretty straight forward though.

Either you want someone to share your mod or not. If they share your mod, let them credit you. If you do not care to be credited, say so and just not care :P Mods are free so you do not need to worry about revenue.

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I guess Dark0ne will need to weigh in on this more as to if he would even consider something like that or not.


However it is my opinion that we can only enforce things....as we do now...when we see them or they are reported.


In theory, Dark0ne can set any options and rules that he wishes....the enforcement would be the same as it is on any other matter currently.

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Either you want someone to share your mod or not. If they share your mod, let them credit you. If you do not care to be credited, say so and just not care :P Mods are free so you do not need to worry about revenue.


I'm talking about something entirely different than receiving credit or (dis)allowing use. I don't care much about credit, but I don't want someone to take a shared resource, produce something from that shared resource, and then hoard the result. I'm asking if we are allowed to declare the type of use that is permitted to that degree of specificity. If I declare a resource as "copylefted" (is that how you say that?) and someone uses the resource in a closed-permissions mod, regardless of credit given or whatever, would that be a violation of site rules? Am I allowed to be that specific as far as what is permitted, and would my specific request be upheld?

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If you write custom permissions with the copyleft requisite then we'll do our hardest to enforce it. When I come to changing the default permission settings I'll see if I can't introduce something like this as well, but in the mean-time, custom permissions are your best bet.
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