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Corruption of Dovahkiins


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Might be worth seeing Seductive Creatures for a less rediculous alternative. After seeing that, I decided to post this. I would not be surprised if the idea is unpopular, and I would likely never use it myself, but I do think it's a good idea for some of the other players.

I'll add onto this as ideas come in. We should deviate somewhat from the official game, as the player in Skyrim is a Dovahkiin, not just an ordinary champion.

There's an infamous text-and-buttons game called Corruption of Champions on the internet, copyright to Fenoxo. It's a high-grade RPG centered around sexual situations in a Demons and Magic type world; you can beat enemies through seduction or brutality, and they can do the same to beat you.

*Potentially safe for work version working on Sloth (sleepiness) instead of Lust.

In an attempt to get some quicker work done, I'm hiding the initial post, and copying over the task(s) that is presently most important.



It's not really easy to come up to the grade of the actual game, since text does leave a lot to the imagination, giving it a lot of appeal, but it would be interesting to see a Total Reconstruction built around the idea.

There would be a constant ability present regardless of your race: Corruption Count. It may change its name based on how corrupt or pure you are. 0-20 could be Pure, 20-40 would be Slightly Pure, 40-60 Half Corrupt, 60-80 Fairly Corrupt, and 80-100 Very Corrupt.

Possibly a similar method for counting Lust.

Existing races would be greatly modified:

Start off as "Bound Human," as vanilla starts off as "Bound Nord." Give a window-selection instead of the RaceMenu. Secondary windows following the race menu to determine hair/fur color, etc. All races are actually Mannequin with some attatchments.

  • Mannequin: Not a choosable race, basically a humanoid form with no forceful attatchments, but sliders to determine everything such as fur, hair, ears, etc. Used as a base for all player choices.
    • This means that "Racial likeness" is represented as a faction instead (if that even exists in Skyrim). While NPCs can officially be the races, they react to the player by this invisible faction flag. Flag can change based on things to be listed later.
    • If items are too hard to program the use of, remove this and let the player just choose their permanent race.
  • Humans: A singular race of pure beings, all of the modifiers include the changes between the existing skin tones, warpaints, etc. No starter additional abilities.
  • Khajiit: The Khajiit would be Cat-Morphs, another pure race. There should be some varying degrees on how fuzzy they are, or how cat-like they are. Comes with Chronic Heat: If heat is not alright present, chance every so often to start it. Heat raises lust during combat, even brawls, but the scent also helps raise effectiveness of lust attacks.
  • Argonians: Pure lizard-morphs. Again, varying lizard-ness. Has "Oviposion"--Gets pregnant with 'consumable' eggs every so often when not made pregnant by others. While bearing eggs, cannot get pregnant.
  • Elves: Half-corrupt somewhat demon races. This includes:
    • Goblins: Rename of orcs. Come with "Reproductive Rivalry"--When fighting the opposite gender, attacks on lust raise it more, whereas fighting the same gender raises it less. Hermaphrodites count as neither, meaning always an increase.
    • Imps: Like the Goblins, but red in color. Come with the starter ability "Fertility"--Males have a higher chance to impregnate females, females have a higher chance of becoming pregnant.
  • Daedric: Fully corrupt species are available.
    • Cubus: The infamous incubus and succubus races. Come with fertility and heat. Loss of corruption both removes these and adds a "permanent" debuff.
      • Permanent debuff would leave the player weakened until their corruption value goes back up high enough, or goes under 40. Under 20 will permanently remove the chance of regaining it unless they become a "true cubus" again.
    • Tigershark: A variation on Sharkmorphs that is too corrupt to even consider pure decisions. Immediately hermaphrodite. Difficult to purify even with the use of items. Recieves a similar debuff to the cubus, but aquire a Magic boost when they do (The tirgershark-morphs are highly intelligent, just too corrupt to use it). Permanent debuff never goes away unless they go back up to 80 corruption.
  • Other races: Possibly not available from the start, but aquired through use of items. If items are not used, make available.
    • Shark-morphs: Slightly Corrupt. A gray skin between the appearance of an argonian's and a human's, sharp-toothed jar. Starts with "Aggressive Heat"--A secondary lust counter is used, if full when victorious, automatically rapes defeated enemy. If full before battle's end, regular lust increases faster.
    • Mouse-Morph: Slightly pure. Racial buff counts as a combination of "litters" and a slight immunity to lust attacks.
      • During a pregnancy, new counters will not be added, and those that didn't turn positive will slowly be removed, emptying out a good while before birthing. The amount of counters will reset after birthing.
    • Dog-morph: Slightly pure. "Territorial" trait increases their strength as their lust grows, on a multiplier based on the number of enemies minus one. THis means that one-on-one, there's no increase.
    • Lapin/Rabbit-morph: Slightly pure species obsessed with sex. Even when conquered, their sex drive allows them to come out on top if the enemy tries to rape them, but they'll still likely wear themselves out given their existing exhaustion, leaving them out longer than the initial victor. Their libido means multiple acts of sex in a row, meaning even if they don't get pregnant right away, there's still another chance.
    • Horse-morph: Pure. Basically a humanoid horse, with hands and hooves. Males get a high cum count, allowing them to impregnate mates easier; females can take more.
    • Minotaur: Completely corrupt. Sex crazy to the point that their targets become so themselves. Constant heat/rut, but attacks on lust are INCREDIBLY strong. Their mate (At least, if the minotaur's the dominator) aquires an addiction, which, unfulfilled, quickly turns into a (temporary) withdrawl debuff. Should last at least a few days.
    • Centaur: Likely only able to be done as a critter race for NPCs, but Centaurs are exactly what the name says. They're half-corrupt and aggressive, but otherwise like their horse-morph cousins, NOT the minotaurs. Female centaurs can take even more than female horse-morphs.


Similar to people asking to see other Dovahkiin in other mods, there should be a similar feature in this. You, as Dovahkiin, start with a basic camp-grade "home" and other Dovahkiin/Champions would too. Though they could be allied, they should be temporary alliances (In CoC, the player had to return to their camp every hour, and the other champion, Isabella (she's the only one I've ever found), had a similar obligation. In Skyrim, this timer could be a different amount (maybe a day (either by sunlight or by 24-hours)). Champions should be of the Mannequin race, and have Dovahkiin abilities. They are more apt to like the player than other NPCs, but can still be brought to being enemies if treated 'wrongly' by the player. This includes trying to show off your pureness around a corrupt dovahkiin (ie. Refuse sexual situations without at least getting to know them) or even trying to purify them, likewise being corrupt or trying to corrupt pure dovahkiins. Corrupting or Purifying should be possible through becoming great friends with them first.

When you and/or other Dovahkiins are away from their home camp for long enough periods of time, critters have a chance to get into it. Leaving those critters there results in stronger critters replacing them over time.




Primary Tasks:

Races! Most races in the Corruption are just animalistic humans. A good forced race is a form of mannequin. No ears, nose, etc; difference races will add onto these as specialized permabound items that the player has no access to even seeing in their inventory.

Goblins are just a rename over Orcs, NOT the actual goblins existing in Skyrim. Imps would be a red-skinned varient.

Several "Animal-morphs" would add a muzzle onto the face. These muzzles should, if possible, modify the bones determining teeth so that they can properly stretch forward. Tails don't need to be any more programed than the vanilla khajiit and argonian tails.


Enhanced prositution! The only form that exists as of yet is Animated Prostitution, which only works while wearing an item with the enchantment, and only works with peaceful people. We need an active spell, not a passivle item, to initiate this. For the initial versions, it could simply be some sure-fire thing that only casts if the player is uninterrupted while casting. It would also pacify the target to ensure the scene finishes.

Edited by Strokend
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Bumping for idea refinement: Not just the other Dovahkiins, but you, too, would have to return to your camp every so often. The longer you're away from it, the more likely some critter's found its way in there, and the longer a critter's been there, the greater the number of them, or even chances that they're chased out so that an even stronger one will take residence there.


This could happen to other Dovahkiin if you ask them to stick around with you for too long.


I was going to suggest something else, but then I realized it wouldn't work so well with an actual land to explore. I may mull it over and come up with a working varient.

If anybody wants to try to build off my idea: Mareth works by immediately letting you reach your destination, something supporting the growth of your own camp and other Dovahkiins'.

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The corruption in CoC was a different sort than being evil. By the lore of the game, "Humans who sought power delved too deep into magic and released corruption upon themselves and those around them, turning them into demons."


My personal interpretation is "Humans with an incredibly high level of technological knowhow tried to make too powerful a weapon, and it backfired, releasing radiation upon the area around them, mutating those who survived."


Those who fell victim to the "corruption" were not only mutated into a somewhat beast-like appearance, but even had their mind become like a beast, focusing on primal instincts. Most notably, Lust and Wrath. Goblins and Imps will beat you up in order to have sex with you, as will the sharkmorphs, but Tamani (goblin) and Izma (Tigershark-morph)had both slightly purified themselves. Tamani will ask for consent and only attack if you refuse, Izma will only fight you if you agree to, and if you refuse sex entirely understands, and leaves it at that.


More races I forgot about: Lapin, Equine, and Centaur. Centaur would be incredibly difficult to program, and is probably best left as an NPC "Friendly critter" type race.

  • Lapin: Represented in the game as hermaphrodites, but otherwise a very, VERY horny race. These folk like to breed like... Well, Lapins. Short pregnances, high birth count.
  • Equine (horse-morph): Horse people. Very rare in the official game, pretty much how it sounds; they're a humanoid horse, complete with hands. I believe they have hooves.
  • Minotaur: Cow people. Sort of like horse-morphs, but a lot stronger, more corrupt, and even "hynotic" when it comes to sex.
  • Centaur: Exactly how it sounds, a quadripedal race that still has a humanoid upper body. This makes them better archers, wielding bows too heavy for a human with ease, but they're otherwise the same as a horse-morph.
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The first post has been edited to hide the majority of it under a spoiler--Instead, it shows what is most needed at this point. At present, I've set two tasks.



Since I'm posting, it's also worth mentioning that Fenoxo gave his go ahead on this. No worries about copyright infringment now.

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