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Double spaces in the forums?


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I was wondering why the Nexus Forums creates double spaces.


For example, when I comment on a mod I notice that if I have any spaces, it's doubled so if I hit enter 1 time to create one space between paragraphs, it'll show it as 2 spaces - but only under the mods comments section. If I 'view forum topic' then it will show it normal, as it should be - in the forums.


Is this a bug, or something?

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The forum has the opposite issue: try adding a line break between sentences and then attempting to delete the whitespace at the front of the second sentence. Bet you'll delete the first letter as well.


(Tested on Chrome)


Interesting, I haven't noticed that - I'm on Firefox.

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  • 2 months later...

Indulging in a bit of thread necromancy here.

This has been really bugging me recently. When I answer posts in forum mode and leave a single empty line between paragraphs, it turns into two lines when viewed in "POSTS" mode. Very annoying - I'm always afraid that someone is going to get PO'd at me EITHER for writing such weirdly spaced-out posts OR for not bothering to put a space between paragraphs.


In this post, for instance, I'm doing it both ways. Paragraphs 1 and 2 have no empty line (and hence look jammed together in FORUM mode); paragraphs 2 & 3 & 4 have empty lines in between them (and hance get "double space" in POSTS more).


Could it be that this be a Chrome specific problem?

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