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Mods just won't work for fallout new vegas


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I just got new vegas and set up vortex to support it. I got a few mods that should improve textures and animations but I didn't notice a change. So I got a menu changer to see if any mod worked and it didn't. The only thing I've uninstalled without vortex is enbseries and an enb because I got some pretty bad stuttering and glitches. I manually installed nvse, 4gb patch, and maybe 1-2 mods I can't remember. I tried having the mod staging folder be in the steamapps folder, and now I have it on the same drive as the game i.e. "(D:) > fnv vortex mods" like it recommends. I've used vortex on fallout 4 without issues (that I couldn't solve) so I know how to use vortex. I don't what what I'm doing wrong.

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You should NEVER have ANY Vortex folder inside the STEAMAPPS folder.

They should be somewhere else, such as


C:\Vortex Mods\falloutnewvegas\
D:\Vortex Mods\falloutnewvegas\

Did you ENABLE the MODS?
Did you DEPLOY the MODS?

When you look at the MODS tab, do they say ENABLED?

When you look at the Plugins tab, do any of the plugins say ENABLED?

Do you have ARCHIVE INVALIDATION turned on?

SETTINGS------->WORKAROUNDS------------>Archive Invalidation

Check the EXTENSIONS Tab, are all of these ENABLED?

Gamebryo Archive Invalidation
​Gamebryo Ba2 Support
​Gamebryo Bsa Support
​Gamebryo Plugin Indexlock
​Gamebryo Plugin Management
​Gamebryo Savegame Management
​Gamebryo Test Settings


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