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Is the Republican party just Anti-Obama no matter any bipartisanship?


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Washington is nothing more than a high stakes rendition of American Idol. Politicians grandstand and posture in any way necessary to make them look as best they can for the people who put them there. The Republicans are not anti President Obama, they are a diminishing conglomerate of Leave it to Beaver watchers, pissed off that the reality of the world around them has changed drastically. Instead of working to have a role in shaping this new reality, they grasp onto more stringent groups, like The Tea Party, which even more disassociated them from  the growing trend in today's society.

They are scared of what they see happening, because they are used to the prestigious roll they envisioned America had in the world. Down came the Space program and they had to schmuck having our astronauts, for the first time getting rides from a former enemy.They see Americas economic power siphoned off for the first time to benefit the American people instead of bribing and dictating policies of other countries. They see the president pulling away from orchestrating world affairs and they are so arrogant that they think without the U.S. pushing itself on the world that suddenly the world will collapse into chaos.

In a nutshell President Obama is clearing away the fumes of decades long self-delusions and the conservatives are addicted to the smell. They want them back and they want the man who smeared their nose in it to disappear.

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I can recall, back in 2004, when if you posted a thread like this, it would have been titled:

"Is the Democratic Party just Anti-Bush, no matter any bipartisanship?"

There were calls that the democratic party was finished, over, dying, etc, I didn't believe it and knew they would come back. What happened was they changed their identity, while the republican party remained static. Today, I see the reverse, republicans are changing their identity while democrats are static. I also notice that if republicans nominate a woman, or minority, they are viciously smeared, and while that works for now, they will encounter a person that it will backfire on.


Are republicans 'anti-Obama'? I don't know, but I do know democrats are very thin skinned when it comes to him. I,personally, have been called a racist to my face because I disagreed with his policies.


One thing I have recently come across (and you can try this at home), is any news article about a politician with some problem, check to see where they tell if it's a republican or democrat. I've noticed that if it's a republican, they will state it early, adn often. A democrat, you're lucky to find it once in the article. I once had to check on-line to see if a politician was dem or rep, and he turned out to be a dem, but wasn't mentioned anywhere in the article. When all you hear in the news is how bad a group is, people begin to believe it, regardless of the truth, and they will repeat lies in the media over and over again until it's accepted as truth. This is what's happened. Our media is anything but fair, or truthful, anymore.

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It isn't so much that the republicans nominate a woman/minority, it's WHICH woman/minority they nominate. Sarah Palin was a train wreck, as much attributed to her personality, as it was to her handlers. (who mishandled her badly.....)


Right now, it looks to me like the republicans are simply becoming the 'new' democrats, what with their jumping on the "immigration reform" band-wagon...

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I can recall, back in 2004, when if you posted a thread like this, it would have been titled:

"Is the Democratic Party just Anti-Bush, no matter any bipartisanship?"

There were calls that the democratic party was finished, over, dying, etc, I didn't believe it and knew they would come back. What happened was they changed their identity, while the republican party remained static. Today, I see the reverse, republicans are changing their identity while democrats are static. I also notice that if republicans nominate a woman, or minority, they are viciously smeared, and while that works for now, they will encounter a person that it will backfire on.


Are republicans 'anti-Obama'? I don't know, but I do know democrats are very thin skinned when it comes to him. I,personally, have been called a racist to my face because I disagreed with his policies.


One thing I have recently come across (and you can try this at home), is any news article about a politician with some problem, check to see where they tell if it's a republican or democrat. I've noticed that if it's a republican, they will state it early, adn often. A democrat, you're lucky to find it once in the article. I once had to check on-line to see if a politician was dem or rep, and he turned out to be a dem, but wasn't mentioned anywhere in the article. When all you hear in the news is how bad a group is, people begin to believe it, regardless of the truth, and they will repeat lies in the media over and over again until it's accepted as truth. This is what's happened. Our media is anything but fair, or truthful, anymore.


I have noticed that the elite media acted like they had just won the Gold Medal in scavenger hunting, when there is what they call a minority elected to office that it quote/unquote "Correct minded" which is code for they think like me. They have a tendency not to like anybody talking bad about him or her. The race card is the main weapon used to silence opposition on either side.


I remember the Right going after President Obama and I also remember the left going after Senator Rubio, but it seems the left has academy award clinched when it comes to using the race card. They are the party of change and I think that many there haven't updated their social perspective since the early 60's. They are very protective of minorities and see injustice all around them. I think that those more vocal see any minority seeing that same injustice as a sell out. This is why so many go after those minorities that are what Herman Cain called "Off the plantation"



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It isn't so much that the republicans nominate a woman/minority, it's WHICH woman/minority they nominate. Sarah Palin was a train wreck, as much attributed to her personality, as it was to her handlers. (who mishandled her badly.....)


Right now, it looks to me like the republicans are simply becoming the 'new' democrats, what with their jumping on the "immigration reform" band-wagon...



Immigration is a joke played with those wishing to immigrate as pawns in a game of "Don't my party look better than there's does".


The Democrats hosed President Bush when he tried to get his guest worker program going and President Obama waited until he was in serious trouble to force the Dream act into being. I can't stand the way the illegible immigrants are being treated. They were welcomed here for their willingness to work cheap, but suddenly 9/11 happens and now they are a threat. Then they are a talking point then a political football.

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It isn't so much that the republicans nominate a woman/minority, it's WHICH woman/minority they nominate. Sarah Palin was a train wreck, as much attributed to her personality, as it was to her handlers. (who mishandled her badly.....)


Right now, it looks to me like the republicans are simply becoming the 'new' democrats, what with their jumping on the "immigration reform" band-wagon...



Immigration is a joke played with those wishing to immigrate as pawns in a game of "Don't my party look better than there's does".


The Democrats hosed President Bush when he tried to get his guest worker program going and President Obama waited until he was in serious trouble to force the Dream act into being. I can't stand the way the illegible immigrants are being treated. They were welcomed here for their willingness to work cheap, but suddenly 9/11 happens and now they are a threat. Then they are a talking point then a political football.

So far as I am concerned, they are criminals, and should be treated as such. NO other country is as tolerant (stupid) as the US, when it comes to immigration. Amnesty only 'solves' the immediate problem. Border security sucks, (though it IS better than it was) and all amnesty does is encourage MORE illegals to come here, as they see it is a shorter path to citizenship, or, at least, permanent resident status. Things need to change, but, most certainly NOT in the direction we are currently headed.

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NO other country is as tolerant (stupid) as the US, when it comes to immigration.


Oh yes we are...and the Coalition is now beginning to panic. Not that they can or will do anything about it now.

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NO other country is as tolerant (stupid) as the US, when it comes to immigration.


Oh yes we are...and the Coalition is now beginning to panic. Not that they can or will do anything about it now.


It'll be the final nail in the coffin, that's if they can find space for any more nails.

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The one thing that I'm fearful of is that the racial tensions that are being stoked by either side and fanned by the media will grow beyond their control and end up being the extremists on ether side running this emigration horse and pony show and yanking the politicians around by the bit.

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