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VORTEX Config FNIS vs Dashboard FNIS Tool


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In the VORTEX FNIS config menu I have all the patch options listed including Devious Devices at the bottom of the list. When I click on the dashboard FNIS tool to run FNIS, the list of patches does not include Devious Devices and not sure why.

The only patches applicable to my mods are Gender, Skeleton, and perhaps Devious Devices which I am not able to select from the tool link.

Any ideas?

I am using FNIS XXL 7.6 with 100 plugins and all seem to be working fine thanks to VORTEX and Crash Fixes. I do get some slaves stuck in restrained pose on occasion so wondering if this patch and not being able to select it is ultimately why.

Thanks in advance for any advice/help.

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YOur paths to FNIS in the dashboard tool should be like this

Both TARGET and START IN need to be filled out

Mine and your paths will differ on Drive letter and any folder below STEAM

TARGET - D:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\Data\tools\GenerateFNIS_for_Users\GenerateFNISForUsers.exe|

START IN - D:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\Data\tools\GenerateFNIS_for_Users\

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The Dashboard FNIS tool was an automated build by VORTEX when you click the add tool button. Both the Target and Start In are filled in with addresses similar to yours.


As I mentioned, the FNIS itself works fine and all my mods seem to function fine. I just cannot get the Dashboard FNIS to pull up the same patch list as the CONFIG FNIS.


Why and how do these paths not pull up same lists when both are created by VORTEX?


I love VORTEX and cannot imagine a functioning game without it. Please help team.

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Devious Devices is another mod that FNIS provides animation support for. I didn't realize there was a patch for it just like skeleton fix until recently when I was looking at the Config FNIS section in VORTEX mods. Now trying to understand why that patch is not in the VORTEX created dashboard FNIS tool.

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Oh, I found the mod...

Do you have all of the requirements installed?



Devious Devices

Deviously Cursed Loot

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Hey I really appreciate you trying to help. So far you are the only one and I am very grateful.

I have the Devious Devices assets installed and it is working fine. I do not have the others under that.

Now if I go to the dashboard and click run for FNIS, the options list on mine does not include Devious Devices. Both of these are created by VORTEX.

Are you thinking that it is not listed in the dashboard FNIS tool because I do not have the other Devious Devices modules? If that is correct, then why would it be in the Config FNIS area? Not arguing, just asking if you think it is working correctly and I just need to load in more Devious Devices modules.

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Well, somebody went through the the trouble of making that post with all of the links in order to get it working, so I'm assuming that's what worked for them
I didn't know about "Devious Devices" until today, so I can't really say, but if that's the list to get it working, it's something I wouldn't bother installing.

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Been doing some experiments and found this patch option in FNIS not needed if you only have the Devious Devices Assets like my game.

Devious Devices Assets is the base level and gives you binding tools. It is great to not have to kill all bandits. My character can capture, tie them up and deliver to hold guards for loot.

It just adds a new level to an already fantastic game.

Of course you must have Sexlab and Defeat as well. Those just add in character being able to follow thru with flirty talk from NPCs and spouse. Defeat throws in character when defeated being robbed, left for dead, and/or traumatized.

Again thanks to VORTEX for making this all possible. I cannot imagine trying to work thru all the various mod conflicts and coming out with a stable game like I have.

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