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Depleted Fusion Cores / Pepper Spray Mods?


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Does anybody know of mods which replace the miraculously always-100%-full fusion cores from the power plants in the C. with partly depleted ones? If I would want to do it myself, would I have to edit all the cells (I fear so)?


And are there mods which allow you to temporarily blind enemies? For running away from mean foes for example which unfortunately I have to do a lot. :ohmy: Best would be a kind of homemade spray. Or maybe Nuka kind water pistol design.

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I think the ONLY partially depleted fusion core I have ever found, was the one in the basement of the museum of freedom. (where you find Preston, and the gang.) Aside from that, they are universally at 100%. Of course, Preston describes them as a 'battery'.... and they are found either lying around loose, or plugged into a fusion generator..... So, my question becomes, does the fusion generator work without the fusion core plugged in? Does the generator charge the fusion core? Or is the fusion core required for the generator to work? Never been really clear on that.....


As for things like pepper spray...... I haven't seen anything along those lines.... yet. :) But, seems to me, if you found yourself in a position where you need to use such a close range weapon, against an opponent that was kicking your a55, it's already too late. :D

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The fusion core stuff does not make much sense, in any case, for example when the lights stay on after you removed the fusion core from the power plant. Maybe it is a bit like homeopathy. Over the hundreds of years a mysterious not measurable substance has formed which took over the fusion cores duties. Or simply it's SCIENCE, period. :nuke:


For the "pepper spray", I think the use of a syringe gun with appropiate darts (for paralyzing or threatening or else) may be the better/best replacement. I'm just not sure wether it is a chance or guaranteed paralyzing etc. effect. Never used a syringe. Not the best situation to find it out when a deathclaw is about to distribute your bowels over the floor. :ohmy:

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