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Nested commenting, sticky posts, latest versions, drag n dropping and


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ADD is a real disorder for many people but it is too often diagnosed where it doesn't exist. I would say mostly in children and primarily in...certain countries. I read some really informative article a few years back on how that disorder can be treated with out medication with a very high success rate though most medical professional quickly prescribe dangerous medications before even exploring the safer alternatives. Lifestyle changes like diet, exercise, and a proper mental state can help greatly.


Wait wasn't I supposed to be commenting on nested comments? :P

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I love the nested feature, but definitely think it needs to be flipped - newest nested post should be at the bottom. Most forums read from the top down, and most people will attempt to read the nested posts the same way. It's confusing, and with enough nests, you'll have to scroll up and down to read them all lol.
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One 'feature' that I would like to see working all of the time (it is rather hit-miss for me using FF at the moment) is when in 'new files', and then opening a file, the 'back' button goes all the way back to the homepage, NOT the 'new files' page from which I left. Sometimes it works just fine. I'm looking at a file from three days ago, click 'back' and am in 'new files' - from three days ago.


To be honest, this feature has never been reliable for me. Sucks to be me, eh...

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Here's one thing you could do that would help the site. Allow people to donate without being forced to use PayPal. Some of us will NOT use PayPal for anything as they are an extremely unethical company to do business with. If you would add Google Wallet, or allow donation by CC that would be very beneficial. I simply will never use PayPal for anything ever again, that makes it impossible for me to donate. And that is a bummer as I do want to donate.
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When opening something from the New Files. instead of left-clicking the link, middle-click it. This will have FF open the link in a new tab. Makes it much easier overall as you never lose your place in the New Files section; you just close the new tab to go right back to where you were in it.
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