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Sentences in books look like they're printing on top of each other


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It's due to certain characters in the text. An example of a character that will mess things up is the Left Quotation Mark Unicode Symbol which is actually a different "symbol" than the standard Double Quote you can easily type on your keyboard. Basically, you should have all text within the ASCII range just to be safe. You can use text replace in a text editor to make mass changes easier.

Edited by doticu
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It's due to certain characters in the text. An example of a character that will mess things up is the Left Quotation Mark Unicode Symbol which is actually a different "symbol" than the standard Double Quote you can easily type on your keyboard. Basically, you should have all text within the ASCII range just to be safe. You can use text replace in a text editor to make mass changes easier.

Thanks for your reply. I had done a find and replace on all the 'fancy' double quotation characters so thought I had caught everything. It's weird as when you turn the page of the book the overlapping text changes and sometimes goes back to normal.

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In Unicode, there are a lot of invisible symbols and symbols that look just like ASCII. Try running the text through an ASCII converter, you're almost certainly missing something, like a Unicode apostrophe or some such.

OK thanks. It's all fixed now but I've noted for next time.

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