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How to change the "base" carry weight of the player character?

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Good evening everybody!


I just want to create a small mod for myself that changes the "starting" maxdimum carry weight to a very low value (lets say 100).


But when I open the "Player" actor editing window in the CK, there is no value that determines the actual carry weight.


So how can I set the carry weight for a specific actor (in this case the player) to a specific number (for example 100)?


I know that the carry weight gets calaculated from the "strength" stat, but is there a way to set it to a certain "base" value.

So that if I give the player character a strength of 1, the carry weight will be for example 100.



I already looked at the scripting page of the CK wiki (you know, the one that has all the functions listed) and I couldn't finy anything like "setCarryWeight" or something like that.

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  On 11/3/2020 at 7:54 PM, VIitS said:

You can set it in the console using player.setav Carryweight __, might want to see if there is a similar generic "set actor value" script option rather than one specific to carryweight. Here is a list of actorvalues (with EDID and formID) that can be used with setAV: https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Fallout_4_console_commands#Character_variables.

Thanks for that!

I almost never use console commands, so I didn't think about looking for those ....

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  • 4 weeks later...

Did you work out a solution for this?

I also want a way to change the "base" carryweight dynamically of the player (without a script, Console command, or player/Race record change).

Magic effects seem to only offer the option to modify the Current value - not the base.

The Effect Archetype of "Peak Actor value" and "Actor Value" seem to do the same thing (modifies current).


I don't know how the associated spell interacts with the magic effect though (type: ability/disease/additction etc)


Edit: I know I can attach a script to the ME to do this (like DefaultSetActorValueEffectScript.pex) but this does not let me get the value to set from the spell that uses the ME.

Edited by PJMail
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No, I just put this project "to the side" and worked on other stuff.

That's kind of how I do my things:

Whenever I get stuck on a project, I work on something different.


So I have lots of unfinished projects like this "Carry weight overhaul" that started as an idea, but I got stuck somewhere in the "concept phase" of the project (like "how would this actually be done"?).

And because I don't like to waste time on things that aren't possible, I usually ask here before I invest days of work into something that might not even work in the end ...



After a few weeks or months I go through the forum here and see if any of my old questions have been answered. If they have, I continue work on those things.

If they havn't I might "bump" that thread or just wait for another couple of weeks for an answer ...

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