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Questions about changes to what is considered inappropriate content


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Recently I found out that the nexus team had changed their Policies/File submission guidelines unannounced when I tried to went download mods I had set up for a load order. an image of shortened version of the changes as said by a member of the nexus team is linked.

I have some questions and concerns about this new change.

Why did you change what is covered under inappropriate content when it was established for years that such content never represented the views of Nexus in the past, why make that change now?

Why is it only axis when the allies committed what would be considered offensive crimes against humanity during WW2 as well?

What is the extent of content found to be under those ideologies now inappropriate on the platform is now no longer allowed? as I've seen mods that are outfits and songs have been removed does it extend beyond that, for example weapons used by axis during WW2 and the naming of mods for example https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/46104 this mod is ok?

Continuing on from that what about the images used to show off the mod under the mod page it self? would content that falls under this deeming of all axis related content as being inappropriate being used to show off the mod be the cause of mod removal? for example this mod https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/38066 in its images used to show off the mod in game on the mod page has the player in outfits that would fall under content now deemed inappropriate for the platform.

My thoughts
I don't understand why this change is being made, these mods never represented the Nexus for having
inappropriate views on certain ideals and groups nor did the modders who uploaded these mods. This new precedent makes me concerned for the future of the Nexus, as what else will deemed no longer acceptable. Even though its up to people to chose what mods they download. what other historical content is could no longer be deemed as ok and deleted from the platform. I was very disappointed to see this content modders who had put work into just be deleted without forewarning because of a new change undiscussed with the community and no announcement being made for such a major change to this website because this is the change of something that has been what we knew for years. I hope future changes to the culture to this website can be announced and not have mods so quickly underhandedly disappear without warning.

Thank you for reading

Edited by samtheeman
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Recently I found out that the nexus team had changed their Policies/File submission guidelines unannounced when I tried to went download mods I had set up for a load order. an image of shortened version of the changes as said by a member of the nexus team is linked.

I have some questions and concerns about this new change.

Why did you change what is covered under inappropriate content when it was established for years that such content never represented the views of Nexus in the past, why make that change now?

Why is it only axis when the allies committed what would be considered offensive crimes against humanity during WW2 as well?

What is the extent of content found to be under those ideologies now inappropriate on the platform is now no longer allowed? as I've seen mods that are outfits and songs have been removed does it extend beyond that, for example weapons used by axis during WW2 and the naming of mods for example https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/46104 this mod is ok?

Continuing on from that what about the images used to show off the mod under the mod page it self? would content that falls under this deeming of all axis related content as being inappropriate being used to show off the mod be the cause of mod removal? for example this mod https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/38066 in its images used to show off the mod in game on the mod page has the player in outfits that would fall under content now deemed inappropriate for the platform.

âMy thoughts
I don't understand why this change is being made, these mods never represented the Nexus for having
inappropriate views on certain ideals and groups nor did the modders who uploaded these mods. This new precedent makes me concerned for the future of the Nexus, as what else will deemed no longer acceptable. Even though its up to people to chose what mods they download. what other historical content is could no longer be deemed as ok and deleted from the platform. I was very disappointed to see this content modders who had put work into just be deleted without forewarning because of a new change undiscussed with the community and no announcement being made for such a major change to this website because this is the change of something that has been what we knew for years. I hope future changes to the culture to this website can be announced and not have mods so quickly underhandedly disappear without warning.

Thank you for reading

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What a hill you've chosen to die on.


Learn some history if you're planning on trying that "BUT THEY DID IT TOO!" justification of what the Axis did vs what the Allies did.





I am not trying to justify anything I think war crimes are wrong period, I'm just wondering why this is being done in bias way, both things can be seen as offensive so why is only one part of history being yeeted off the platform.


sorry for asking questions about such a change on the platform i think its worth a discussion because said mods have been accepted here for so long without issue.



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I know what you're talking about, from your other thread...

What a hill to die on...

Nazi aren't cool, they never were, their ideology is incompatible with peace, and life on this planet.
Their symbolism brings up nightmares to the world, because they stand for an ideology that is pure evil and not in any way conducive with anything productive or nurturing.

Also, don't try the deflection of "But other countries did it too" as a way to justify what they did.

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What a hill you've chosen to die on.


Learn some history if you're planning on trying that "BUT THEY DID IT TOO!" justification of what the Axis did vs what the Allies did.





That's not even the main issue with this policy change. Multiple mods that were previously considered appropriate have suddenly been removed from the site without warning. I think sam here is right in asking to what extent these new changes affect current and future mods, as well as asking that the userbase be informed before such changes occur.

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It was so important to you, you started two identical threads.



Said mods were accepted here without issue, until a resurgence of the ideology started popping up in the US, and all over the world.

must of double posted when i refreshed the page, i did not intentionally want to post this thread twice sorry.


Idk why something the media completely blow out of proportion for drama and views has anything to do with what mods are ok here. neo nazis have always been a thing.

Edited by samtheeman
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I know what you're talking about, from your other thread...


What a hill to die on...


Nazi aren't cool, they never were, their ideology is incompatible with peace, and life on this planet.

Their symbolism brings up nightmares to the world, because they stand for an ideology that is pure evil and not in any way conducive with anything productive or nurturing.


Also, don't try the deflection of "But other countries did it too" as a way to justify what they did.

i mean i agree with you, i don't like nazis myself. idk what that has to do with historical content on the platform

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i mean i agree with you, i don't like nazis myself. idk what that has to do with historical content on the platform

The simple fact of the matter is that the Nexus Mods staff doesn't want to deal with that kind of content, whether it is historical or not, and, frankly, I really don't blame them. There is basically no reason in my mind to include such hateful symbology (and yes I know the history of the swastika and how the Nazis stole it thank you) on Nexus Mods or within the vast majority of game mods, unless the game happens to be called Wolfenstein and the whole point of the game is to blow up all the Nazis.


Now, obviously there certainly is important historical significance to it all, but that doesn't mean that Nexus Mods has to accept it, just as they already don't accept bigots, discrimination, or harassment. We all can learn about the horrors of Nazism elsewhere where the subject is treated properly. And frankly I don't see that big of a leap from that anti-discrimination foundation in every ToS practically ever to banning Nazi imagery from the site, particularly considering everything the Nazis stood for and the horrors they committed. No one should ever forget those horrors but if the staff doesn't want that stuff here, that's their decision because it's their site to own, manage, and run in order to give everyone a place to host and find mods.

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