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Looking for any mod that adds new monsters


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I'm looking for any mod that adds new monsters to the game, except for MMM. I've already got that one. Also, I'm looking especially for anything that's not on the Nexus as well.


I appreciate any help you can provide in my searches.

Edited by lonewolf_kai
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Harvald, on 28 Feb 2013 - 18:53, said:



here you can get some spiders, worms, snakes etc.


BT-more enimies http://www.oblivion.lima-city.de/files/plugins.html


have fun



Oops, Chrome pops up a big malware warning and block access to that page. It's probably just a nasty advertisement that Google picked up (like what happened to Nexus a little while back).


Anyway, I browsed around that site without my virus scanner going nuts. There's some pretty cool content there. :smile:

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Have a look through the mod description for Maskars Oblivion Overhaul. It will give you mod authors names to search on Oblivion Nexus (I get the best results by posting the names in the Uploader field ... often authors list a different name in the Author field). Or you could just install Maskar's overhaul (almost everything is configurable using the ini file, so no need to accept any parts or aspects you don't like).

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Snusmumriken is a great modder


Austrian like Stroti.


His mods never found the way to Tesnexus and I don't know why, therefore we have to go there and download


Believe or not there is still (Oblivion)life outside of Tesnexus (in Germany for example) and modders are still working hard on their projects. :woot:


You can earn your daily mod without being on Nexus :biggrin:

Edited by Harvald
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