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Mod Idea - Drive out the Thalmor


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Not sure if it is possible, or how difficult it would be, but this is my idea... What if, with the help of the Psijics with the new power of the Eye of Magnus, along with Skyrim and The Dragonborn, the Empire, The College of Winterhold, The Dawnguard, The Blades, and the Dragons, the forces of the Thalmor could be knocked down and defeated, and run out of Skyrim, and maybe even the Empire as a whole. Forever. With the White Gold Concordat no longer enforced, and Talos worship restored, the civil war in Skyrim would end. The show of power should be so severe, that every Thalmor that resists is utterly destroyed that the Thalmor would see the futility of any future attempts at trying to force their will against this alliance. This should also serve as a warning to the Empire itself, that Skyrim Will Be Free! This should be done in such a way that elves as a whole are not threatened and maybe even part of this alliance. My apologies if someone has proposed this idea before, I didn't find any before I posted.

Thank you, JBear61

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That might destroy the lore!!!!!!!!!!! I'm joking of course, because I don't care too much about lore-friendliness, but there are some hardcore lore-lovers on the Nexus, which is why I don't think there is such a mod yet even though it should be relatively easy to make. In fact, I'm thinking that it could be as simple as copying over the Civil War Quests, but swapping out the Stormcloaks/Imperials for Thalmor (and changing the locations of the battles, of course).

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I'd love to do this. I've taken quite a disliking to Thalmor...don't have much of a problem with the general Altmer population of Skyrim, but I'd give an arm to be able to burn the Embassy to the ground.

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I just know I felt justified eliminating Estormo then Ancano, of course. I agree about burning the embassy, but only after the destruction of every Thalmor in the place, lol. And even if on the Empire's side, killing Thalmors escorting Talos worshippers to their doom. Anyway, still debating the extent and implementation of such a mod. Skyrim will be free!

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