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Confused about "Glowing One" Texture


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I wanted to create a Glowing One but he's orange instead of green.


But the Glow texture is gray, so I thought maybe it's handled via a greyscale palette.


But it isn't, it's just gray.


Can anyone tell me what I'm missing here?



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I think all the material setting are inside the nif file. There are at least 3 tri morphs for the body. The grey texture is somehow colored with a palette texture, and there is another palette texture for a flashing effect. I can't understand much about these settings. Better take a look at the nif.

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This is the material file regarding the ghoul. I haven't come to take a look at the .nif but I assume it's being handled there.

Confusing thing is that the Glowing Ghoul.nif (The Skin) doesn't use this material file in any way.



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Yeah, I hate it when they have the textures set up in the NIF instead of the maerial file...

Then you can't just do a material swap, you have to make a copy of the NIF and edit that.

That "institute cleanroom suit"-thing or the lab-coat also have the textures defined in the NIFs instead of the material files ...


Just another instance of bethesda's inconsistency, I guess ...

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Took a quick look.

Greyscale texture in the BSEffectShaderProperty as expected.


Textures defined in the Nif for lightingShaderproperties is one thing, and not generally necessary, youâre right.

Textures defined for BSEffectShaderProperties is entirely a different and sometimes very necessary to work correctly.


...but, yeah, I know it can be a pain. :(

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I'm rereading here and I'm wondering if there might be a misunderstanding of what we're talking about (my fault if so, likely, hehe).

When done on the nif, in the BSEffectShaderProperty, the Greyscale Texture is the grad, then the Source Texture is used to define where the color on the grad is and how brightly the color shows.

The whiter the grey in the Source Texture, the lower on the grad texture. The blacker, the higher on the grad.

The opaqueness is how much is shows/bright it glows.

So, if you're colors are too orange (high on that partiicualr grad) and you want more green, lighten the source texture up a bit til you get where you want (lower on the grad).
...iirc, of course, it's been a while.

...and if I'm understanding what's being asked, hehe.

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