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Already had Fallout 3 but bought Fallout 3 GOTY, Vortex wont detect it.


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I've been playing Fallout 3 (Steam edition with no DLC) And decided I wanted to buy the DLC, So I went online and bought a steam code for Fallout 3 game of the year edition.


After using the code and installing the game I noticed it had been installed as a separate game, I wasn't bothered as I thought I could just switch what game vortex was modding, After installing FOSE for it, I uninstalled my original copy of fallout 3 and opened Vortex, In which I got an error telling me I had missing masters (Fallout 3.ESM). So tried a scan of my PC hoping for it to find FO3 GOTY and switch over to it, (It didn't) So I decided to set the location manually, After selecting the correct folder it said it could not detect FO3 and continued to tell me I had missing masters.

I'm probably being stupid and missing something obvious, But any help would be greatly appreciated.








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You UNINSTALLED Fallout 3 without PURGING or even uninstalling your Mods correct?

If so, then Vortex still thinks you have those mods and the old Fallout 3 installed.


The steps that would've worked and saved you a lot of time.

1. PURGE your Fallout 3 mods
2. Uninstall Fallout 3

3. Install Fallout 3 GOTY
4. Manually point Vortex to Fallout 3 GOTY
5. DEPLOY your Mods.

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