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There is a Quest in the DLC Dragonborn that gave me an idea.


The idea is simple, late in the game (lv. 50 and up) there is a chance that you might be challenged to a duel that you may or may not accept.


The challenger is usually a strong opponent. It could be a Hero as well as a Villain. Maybe with a little background story like this;






the "Golden Warrior" earned his reputation as a Elvenslayer in numerous battles against the thalmor. He wears a full set of Dwarvencrafted Armor, handcrafted and enchanted by himself. He is a strong warrior fighting with Shield and Sword and is extremely dangerous at close combat.


He refuses to accept that the Dragonborn ascended from the ranks of the elves and challenges you to a duel, to expose you for the imposter he thinks you to be. Will you accept his challenge?


Prerequisites for this quest:


Lv. 50

Player must be of Elven Race




Upon accepting, the Player would be directed to a location (preferably nicely suited for a duel like a small Island along the coast) and would fight for his/her reputation or Gold or a piece of Armor or just for the fun of it etc.


What do you think?

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Sounds great in my opinion. This is something that should be added in the game, however, if you are level 10 and have completed main quest, I think you should get duelled anyways. Because like, slaying the Dragonborn is something anyone would do no matter how strong you are. ( I mean if you want to duel)



Anyways, sounds great if its applied to factions too.

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I think it would be neat to see people from any of the four races (Man, Mer, Khajiit, Argonian) say that if you're from another race you can't be real, or even a few that will challenge you because you're an immigrant--there's no way anybody from another land could be the hero (The Dunmer in Morrowind were like this; even if the player was Dunmer themselves they were still an outlander).

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Lol! First let me state I think this is a great Idea. Maybe every now and then you would get a named challenger, but for the most part they would just be known as an adventurer or some non important name.


Now that aside. I have to point out the Irony of your post, op. So an elvenslayer, seems like elven hater, is wearing elven armor? Hehe. No offense ment I just noticed that and it made me giggle.

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Perhaps there could be 2 types of challengers.


The honorable ones, who, upon declining them, accept it normally and walk away. When they are defeated, they pay up. These would be characters like knights, warriors etc


The unhonorable ones, like bandits etc, who still attack you if you decline, becoming a real battle, or if you defeat them, may either refuse to pay up, or get back up and attack you.


Theres no way to tell the types apart other than clothing/what they say/their tone, perhaps name all generic challengers "challenger"?

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