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please help about modifiying the cm partners mod


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When I modify the mod in tes construction set, I simply want to change the attributes of the cm partners, or at least disable the level scaling and set all of them to level 12, but when I save and reload my new plugin/mod in tes construction set, it keeps creating the modified npcs as duplicates, instead of just keep the original cm partner npcs as edited npcs. Can someone help me out with that????

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They level up at the CMPartnersScript attached to every CM companion so it is that file you must edit. I think you could try to put a ; in front of that whole IF section, start at if and find the endif for hat block and remark it all. I do think you also need to load the cm.esp as I did try to edit that script ones, but there was some references missing, like an Xmarker or one more and I suddenly got another better idea and put that script away. The script is well commented so just click ctrl-f and search for level


Edit the cm partners.esm by the way or maybe the cm partners.esp as you need to have the xmarker loaded and I do not know right now in which file it is. It is the one that the companions recall to and mark their position with.



Edited by Pellape
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Also note that CM Partners comes with optional ESP for if you want the CMs to be essential (un-killable) or just normal. If you use both versions at the same time you will see duplicated like you describe (e.g. use CM Partners NPC.esp or CM Partners NPC NE.esp but not both).

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