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Retexture animals when they are skinned for pelts


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it wouldn't be a re-texture since they have fur I believe you'd have to make a replacement mesh with a "skinned" appearance as for things like missing legs, the animal would disappear briefly then reappear, since the mesh was changed, like when you take the heads of the glemoral witches. As for whether or not it's possible, with some scripting and new meshes/textures, it's perfectly possible

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Fairly certain that Bellyache's Animals and Creatures mod comes with retextured pelts and animal heads. I just recently had missing textures on some bear carpets and head plaques and reinstalled B's A&C to fix the issue. You can even use the Automatic Variants mod to use all of Bellyache's variants at once, which is pretty cool.


Edit: Yeah... I assumed you just meant skin textures. Your idea is way more interesting than that! I agree that's it's probably possible, but it'd likely need scripts to apply the changed skins and missing limbs. Still, sounds doable with the right knowledge and workload.

Edited by Jaradin
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I'd quite like this too, Red Dead Redemption used to do it when ever you skinned an animal, makes sense to have it in Skyrim.

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It is possible. Just the same way how briarheart works.
> Take the briarheart
> Mesh switches

Though, it's gonna work only on the preset wolves/bears etc. etc; would require patch for everything and tons of mesh & texture editing.. But it's possible.

I'm not sure how complicated the scripts for that are and if it causes any issues, but it's fully possible.

Though, taking multiple items might be a lot harder. (Horns and skin for example)
But I'd say the skin is most immersion breaking part and it should be the "main thing" if someone starts making a mod like this.

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The mesh edits, with the exception of meat removal, shouldn't be too hard since most of the difficult work can be done through textures and normal maps. I can do all the 2D stuff, but I couldn't figure out how to use Blender to save my life. I just don't understand the interface at all. I really wish I could find a good, free, non-video tutorial for Blender 2.4, but I've had no luck so far.


I haven't looked at the Briarheart scripts yet, but if they work the way I assume they do, by checking for a briarheart in their inventory, I can forsee problems with anything that edits the goat deathlist unless there's a way to check for the actual removal of an item. Of course, I'd much rather leave the scripting to someone who actually knows what they're doing.

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now that we've


I'd quite like this too, Red Dead Redemption used to do it when ever you skinned an animal, makes sense to have it in Skyrim.

yeah RDR is the one to emulate when it comes to hunting, and finally we have the skinning animations!!



so we really NEED this "skinned" variant of mesh and texture now.

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