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SkyrimVR mods not showing up in game


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Hi, I'm new at using Vortex so hopefully this will be just be something really stupid that I'm missing. I've read various other similar-sounding threads and FAQs and none of it seems to work...


I'm trying to install a mod for Skyrim VR using Vortex version 1.13.9. Specifically, I'm trying the enhanced textures detail mod (which I'd actually like to use) and the Talos guide you menu mod (which I'm just using to test if mods are working, since this should be instantly and clearly visible on the loading screen).


As per various instructions, I edited my SkyrimPrefs.ini file to have the additional two lines at the end :


I installed Vortex using all the default options. I've enabled "deploy mods when enabled" and "enable mods when installed" in the Automation section of the Settings section (I also tried manually deploying them). In the "Games" section, SkyrimVR shows as a managed game with two active mods. In the "mods" panel, both mods show as Enabled. I also read somewhere that the game should be launched from within Vortex itself to get mods to work for the first time, so I've tried that too. Also tried removing and reinstalling mods. It didn't have any effect.


I also read that as well as enabling the mod itself plugins must also be enabled. I've included a screenshot of my plugins section. They all show as "loaded by engine"; none show either as enabled or disabled. The enable/disable checkboxes at the bottom are non-functional (clicking does nothing.


I don't have the Skyrim Script Extender, but if I understand things correctly, this shouldn't be necessary for simple graphics mods. I do not have Skyrim Special Edition, just Skyrim VR. I'm not sure what else there is to try - the whole process sounds like it should be very simple, but there must be something I'm missing. Any ideas ?


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(CAPS for emphasis, because they're quicker than Italics)


Click the little X in the STATUS and FLAGS COLUMN to stop filtering your Plugin List by the GAME Plugins.

Right now, you've set Vortex to only display the Plugins from Bethesda and no others.


Second thing, the two Mods you installed HAVE NO PLUGINS, so they're not going to show up in the Plugin Tab because there's no ESM, or ESP.
They're Texture Mods, and Menu/Background mods.

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Yep, did that already - there are no plugins set to be enabled or disabled. I figured these mods might not use plugins but I thought I should put the screenshot in for completeness. If it's not a plugin issue, any idea what it might be ?

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Well, the problem with the Talos Guide you mod, is the mod author has everything zipped up in a folder called "Talos Guide You - Main Menu Replacer" so it's not getting extracted to the proper places in the Data folder.
Instead you've probably got a folder in your Data Directory called "Talos Guide You - Main Menu Replacer"

For the other mod, when you installed it, did you get a menu with Options during install?

Also, did you get notified that this mod was for another game, and then given the option to install it for the VR version?

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Instead you've probably got a folder in your Data Directory called "Talos Guide You - Main Menu Replacer"

In the Skyrim data directory ? I don't see any sign of the Talos mod there.




For the other mod, when you installed it, did you get a menu with Options during install?

Yes - I clicked the defaults and when in any doubt selected "give me everything" or equivalent.




Also, did you get notified that this mod was for another game, and then given the option to install it for the VR version?

Not sure. I think I got a message asking me if I wanted to use the selected game "Skyrim VR" or something to that effect, but not anything about it being for a different game. I see now it's for Skyrim Special Edition, but I thought most mods for SSE were compatible with SVR - and since this is just a bunch of textures I suppose this should work. Is there something else I need to do ?

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