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Looking for Argonian weapons?




Love the first one.

(Me too)


Nobody is complaining because I only care for Argonians? :tongue:

(Nope, I rarely play anything except argonians myself and a fox race someone created, but thats about it.


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After a little research, I think Khajiit are based on moors, the arabian medieval population of spain (no puss in boots jokes) with an exotic, eastern feel. Their land is based on Sahara with lot of tropical areas.

Will have fun designing armor with these ideas.

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Lore states Argonian's only began wearing clothes after the Akaviri kicked their butts. Up to that point all metals and other such materials went into weapons only. Considering this I think minor Akaviri and Central American and South American inspired garb be considered as much of Black Marsh is described like the Amazon but twice as treacherous and alien. I also think Amber should be worked into lots of the richer designs and mage gear.

And even then, my argonians don't wear clothes. It's not that I'm a sex-minded creep, quite the opposite, truly. I just don't like clothes. *shrug*


So, some strange news here. My screenshots folder has apparently... migrated. I went on to post the screenshots, but I can't find them. I have them for you guys, but they kinda went away...

I'll find them in the morning. I have a long, annoying day tomorrow, and I want to get the screenshots up for you guys so I can get some smiles from your excitement!


After tomorrow, my schoolwork is done for a long time, my life issues are resolved, and I have NO plans all week!

UBR's first release (for real) is getting scheduled for 2 weeks from tomorrow.


If anyone has any questions (or wants to keep me on track, I have ADHD issues which is why I've delayed so much besides IRL issues) PM me or Email me (more likely to see the second) at [email protected].

If you want to text me as well on your mobile phone to hammer me into working on UBR (keep me focussed), I'd appreciate it, and can give you my number in a PM!


I'll start the mod page around late this week to early next week and get some screenshots up on that as well.


After the mod releases, be sure to send me some screenshots of your argonian and Khajiit's adventures in their new armor for their new feet!

I'd love to decorate the page!





piensa que si tu eres un khaijita ponerse guantes seria muy molesto, y TU NO TE VAS A CORTAR LAS UÑAS ERES UN MACHO TIGROSO VARONIL por eso, almenos los guantes deberían dejar pasar las uñas no creen?



if you are a khaijit and if you are puting a gloves in your (paws?) hands, it is unconfourtable because YOU AREA A MANLIEST TIGER hahaha

if only it would the gloves allows te fingers and the nails and a new armor needs needs the fingers free



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Derok solved the gloves issue a while ago, yes. But hey, good news!


I'm uploading the teaser screenshots to my image hosting site for you guys now. It's not going to show much, but it will show you that there is progress! I'll link them here in a few minutes.


I've had to do a lot of correcting on some issues with Damian's armor. Mismatched image files, misplaced files, some naming problems, and a few other things.

There's a good deal of stuff that's off, but it's all minor quick fixes. UBR should be out by my new planned release date.

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Er, please ignore the low screenshot quality. My computer wasn't exactly up-to-stock tonight...

Also, I couldn't get to a better lighting area. I have a few mods disabling waiting and fast traveling.

It was raining at night and I was stuck in Solitude.

I'll upload teasers of some more armor over the next few days in better lighting. <^.=.^;>





As you can see from these quick teasers (on lower quality so my low-end PC doesn't ignite), females are working quite well!

Male armors were done first, so those are all together. I was too lazy to de-equip my own armor and console in some more. It's quite late.


Also, there's a preview of the optional wider-toed, longer-clawed male feet for you! I will be updating all armor with that secondary option!


And, for those of you familiar with DnD, yes, I worship Bahamut.

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Bahamut...? To each their own, I guess. Personally, I'm more fond of Sardior and especially Null for that matter. Then again, I never liked Paladins to begin with. Damn fanatic little goody two shoes, the lot of them. :tongue:


Anyway, looking forward to the upcoming screenshots in broad daylight. Sadly I can barely see a single scale or horn of your Argonian here.

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