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Still watching this mod to see what awesome things you guys come up with. Using Digitigrade Khajiit until this is ready, only cause it's slightly better than vanilla. This will very handily knock it off of the load order.

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I find it very interesting mod,

as it gives them more personality to animal breeds

I modified armor and boots to fit the new body if you're interested I can send you the files.

however, I have problems with the weight slider in some cases

Sample images

sorry for my English is not very good

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Those are pretty impressive, damian. You should hang onto those and wait until our final release. As for the weight sliders, Derok may be able to do something with them, but I'm not too sure. Amazing conversions, though. Damn good work.


EDIT: Also, Damian84, try sending a message to Derok. You may be able to help him with the armors, because he wants to convert some of them when the bodies are complete. With your help, we may be able to finish the mod faster.




when do you think that will be?



No idea. Determining the ETA of an unpaid project taking place over the internet, with only two people working on it, is nearly impossible to do. And of the two of us, I'm 99.99999% sure that Derok has the hardest job (importing.) For the most part, making 3D models isn't difficult. But making them compatible with a game that neither of us developed can be a tricky business. Only (free)time will tell.

However, we might be able to see the khajiit soon, since both the argonain and khajiit bodies are the same (for now.) This means that, at least for the Alpha (if not longer) the argonians will have those breasts that people were debating about numerous pages ago. Overall, the female bodies were a stumbling block - one that Derok overcame.

Since what he does is difficult, I'd say: Give it time. If nothing else, I can say that some version of the mod should be released before the next Elder Scroll game.



And to make sure I'm clear: The khajiit feet will most likely be changed when I see them in-game, just like how we did the argonian feet. Seeing them in action lets me know what needs worked on, or changed, or added or removed.

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Damian and I could both convert some armors each, yes. We'll just need to split it up accordingly. I already have glass done for the previous feet, though. It'll be the first released armor from me once the new bodies are released.

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Damian and I could both convert some armors each, yes. We'll just need to split it up accordingly. I already have glass done for the previous feet, though. It'll be the first released armor from me once the new bodies are released.


I'm preparing armor is ebony.

To make the boots I rely on the mod Argonian Raptor Feet.

I divide the mesh into two, one part for the calf and the other for the foot.

(sometimes I have problems with weight control slider, and do not know why is because I do the same steps for exporting)

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