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I have lots of friends who are furry and have often been called one myself honestly I dunno if I even count as a furry at all. I am not involved in many fandoms productively and the one I am most passively involved in is MLP which is fun to headcannon about and a good show to watch when you are depressed and need a pick me up. Mostly though my fandom involvement is close to none and while I do like some of the art the furry fandom produces I honestly don't know whether I count as a part of any fandom.

Irregardless I self identify as Otherkin(Don't look at the Otherkin tumblr its not helpful at all) mostly any real Otherkin a nd Therians I have met believe its some sort of mental issue related to autism or reincarnation but all of this ties into blah blah science philosophy religion etc. In my case and experience with the people who claim to be Otherkin or Therian on tumblr are lying and honestly most think they're funny but they are not theyre mocking people and making a group of people with enough problems of their own with ridicule due to their belief and mental state get further ridicule from the entirety of the world its why i never talk about it safer to be considered a furry than Otherkin if I say I am Otherkin the chance of my own death coming prematurely increases dramatically. We get flak from the LGBT community for pretending and making life harder for them but really its those jokers on tumblr which cause all these problems for both groupd not that anyone seems to realize this as few ever actually look for real info and just trust the tumblr fools and believe them and now nobody takes us seriously. Its infuriating I play agames to help eliminate some of my own species dysphoria. Imagine not being able to look in the mirror without seeing an alien face looking back at you. Anyway theres lots of problems Ive just spammed at you sorry about that.

Oh well risk of insititutinalization and death aside I must agree with Drohung this is mostly a furry mod. Though it is also good for lore nuts. Also before anyone says anything I recognize my body is human and have no belief in this physical shifting nonsense that some fool has been spouting over the years.

Also just some really bad hate video some idiot felt the need to make(language warning understand this guy is the worst example and probably one of the more vocal ones and while death threats do come its not impossible to live my life.) https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v= 5GtSfhLYV44 Also dangit youtube for moving all educational videos to the back and hate videos and goth teenagers who know nothing about anything to the front *slow clap* Yeah I just.. there is no respect none whatsoever from anyone on the planet not even people that believe in reincarnation. (Why does it embed automatically?)

I know how you feel, Ariarose. I don't look in the mirror for a reason. I know I'm not human mentally, but I don't try to explain why. I just try to get through college and get a degree so I can get the tools to make it possible to fix, hopefully. I've been threatened before for being a scaly/therianthrope (not shifting idiocy)/otherkin. I mean, I'm a damn dragon, or should be. I fight back against those who threaten what I know in my mind to be true, and I ignore those who seek to mock it by making false, mocking claims. I know what I know, and I am sound in my mind. Those who seek to hurt me for it won't get the chance, for I know who I am.


Regardless, you have our respect. We're all similar here. Some are furries, others are legitimately in the wrong body (you and I and possibly others), but we all make do and support each other. This community is all for argonians and Khajiit, you won't find any enemies here. If people here hated on those groups, I would leave. If you ever have any trouble or otherwise, feel free to speak to me as a fellow whose in the wrong body for absolutely unknown reason. I'm always open to chat!


As for the Khajiit and argonians, I'll do what I can, but I'll probably release just argonians first if you all want.

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I want to mention again that I'm always open for a chat or something (and would love to know more of therians/otherkin talking directly to those who are those.


And drohung, aren't the armors compatible in both khajiit and argonian?

Edited by TakumiR
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Seems like you had a nice discussion here. Sadly I was sleeping...

But I had to read what you said.

The mod started in 2012 I think. I think Bilo wanted nudity so were working on that site for a while. Senviro just wants the models imported. But Bilo didn't have good results and tried joining the tail mesh to the body, impossible with the current animations in my opinion.

I've decided to help because it was a pretty requested mod and I liked the idea.

I didn't want to be the "leader" of this mod at first but with the disappear of Bilo I basically had to. After a while I... Just lost interest but continued to work on the mod verrry slowly. Drohung was learning modding and was probably much more interested in the mod than me so that's what happened.

I know some "otherkin" who wants to be a dragon and dreams about dragon. I don't really understand this stuff, less than furries (and "scalies") and why they feel different from them. Dont hate me for this. In fact, I just want to be myself. Video Games can let me be whatever I want.

Edited by Derok
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Ariarose, as an autistic person it's extremely infuriating and dehumanizing to constantly see myself lumped into derogatory conversation, because it just goes to show how much of the wrong information is being swallowed up, so I keep it to myself and hope no one ever says anything.

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Ariarose, as an autistic person it's extremely infuriating and dehumanizing to constantly see myself lumped into derogatory conversation, because it just goes to show how much of the wrong information is being swallowed up, so I keep it to myself and hope no one ever says anything.

I feel like I've worded this badly. I am actually sympathizing with you, Ariarose, because I have been on the receiving end of internet bullying as well, tho I am not a scalie myself.

Edited by WarmBlackRooster
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as someone who is autistic, a furry and very interested in psychology, i can confirm that these things do derive from mental... i don't necessarily want to say disability, perhaps disorder?


thats not to say there's something wrong with it, its merely a symptom of our advanced brains combined with the genetic diversity our civilisation has afforded us.


i will refrain from going into details here, long ass posts are tedious to read. suffice it to say; evolution is cool and human brains are amazing.



and AriaroseArgonian, please stop using 'irregardless' it just bothers me for reasons i don't fully understand. its just a bastardisation of regardless and irrelevant.

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