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Haven't touched Skyrim lately, instead I've been playing Dragon Age Inquisition while waiting for UBR, not bad, but its not Skyrim, its too bad Bethseda dumped it off so fast to work on ESO (Which isn't that good), they should have just made more Skyrim content instead of trying to dip into the MMO market.

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Haven't touched Skyrim lately, instead I've been playing Dragon Age Inquisition while waiting for UBR, not bad, but its not Skyrim, its too bad Bethseda dumped it off so fast to work on ESO (Which isn't that good), they should have just made more Skyrim content instead of trying to dip into the MMO market.

They didn't make it, they guide it.

Beth don't make the best games ( you know what I mean.) but they don't drop it from their Aholes.


And dragon age characters are great right? Story is meh, but the npcs are just greatly written! Cass is the best bestie, hands down. I will do anything to have a honest, brave funny follower like her in Skyrim.

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I'm trying to cut down on the mods I'm going to use this playthrough, UBR is one that I want to use, so it's the only one that's keeping me from playing now. I'll try not to use the HDT butt/boobs physics, as it's just too complicated and acts up sometimes.


I've been waiting a few years for this mod to come out, but I try not to think every time it's pushed back it's an excuse, because we've seen in-progress shots and stuff.


Can anyone tell me what armors have been remade for the feet again? Or what custom mod armor's would work with the feet? I'm guessing just don't use the boots.


I'm planning on making a white scaled argonian, named Ghost-Walker this time for this playthrough.

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I'm trying to cut down on the mods I'm going to use this playthrough, UBR is one that I want to use, so it's the only one that's keeping me from playing now. I'll try not to use the HDT butt/boobs physics, as it's just too complicated and acts up sometimes.


I've been waiting a few years for this mod to come out, but I try not to think every time it's pushed back it's an excuse, because we've seen in-progress shots and stuff.


Can anyone tell me what armors have been remade for the feet again? Or what custom mod armor's would work with the feet? I'm guessing just don't use the boots.


I'm planning on making a white scaled argonian, named Ghost-Walker this time for this playthrough.

UBR has all of the armor redone, including boots. Custom mod armors do not work with the feet, but once UBR is released, I will make compatability patches for those requested and with permissions allowed.

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UBR has all of the armor redone, including boots. Custom mod armors do not work with the feet, but once UBR is released, I will make compatability patches for those requested and with permissions allowed.

I can't pimp your popularity with post upvotes on this forum, but I want to reassure you of how much I appreciate your passionate work and gameplan for this mod and the surrounding spirit. Thanks a lot.

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Haven't touched Skyrim lately, instead I've been playing Dragon Age Inquisition while waiting for UBR, not bad, but its not Skyrim, its too bad Bethseda dumped it off so fast to work on ESO (Which isn't that good), they should have just made more Skyrim content instead of trying to dip into the MMO market.

They didn't make it, they guide it.

Beth don't make the best games ( you know what I mean.) but they don't drop it from their Aholes.


And dragon age characters are great right? Story is meh, but the npcs are just greatly written! Cass is the best bestie, hands down. I will do anything to have a honest, brave funny follower like her in Skyrim.


Yeah Cassandra is one of the better ones to get close too, The Iron Bull is creepy, especially when he said to my character "I get it, you want to-Ride the bull.", Uh, no dude, just... no, Elf chick is funny, but a little in the nutso department, Varic, pretty much the same as he was in DA2, Solas... boring (way too into the fade and demons), Blackwall.. Obsessed with Darkspawn (Greywardens *sigh*), Vivienne... Why is she a companion? I think she's only there to annoy everyone, not that I have anything against circle mages, Cole, Ok I rather like Cole, he's just perfect for comedy relief.


As for Beth, sure the games aren't bad, its just some of the DLC felt incomplete, Modders did a better job with Hearthfire than Beth did, I mean..


Beth-Hearthfire: A house, in the middle of nowhere, nothing even slightly geared towards defense, not even a small stone fence (unless you count that twiggy looking thing around the garden), 3 different locations and only the hjalmarch location had any real character (Fish Hatchery) with the same home, sure you can use different additions to the house, but still ended up being undefended.


Modders: Not only do some of the modders add fortifications, but I've seen pools, gardens, additional structures, Guards, complete with a patrol route and basic dialogue, modders showed how it "Should/could" have been done.


Not to mention things, that when asked, Beth replied "It couldn't be done and have the game run smoothly", such as, Hmm.. Digigrade legs, or even similar to UBR, yet, being done, Beth is getting lazy with each game, sure some things are better, Skyrim is after all my favorite of the series, but I miss things from Morrowind that simply vanished such as digigrade models, swim animations/combat, custom spells, exploring without it mysteriously instantly placing things on my map, liked actually having to hunt for the place with just vague directions.


Ok, as obvious, aside from a few small details I really only had issues with them more or less leaving Hearthfire unfinished, I mean, when you finish building the house you have a "Completely useless workbench!" after finishing the house, would it have really been that hard to make it so that once the house was finished that that would just "Go away"? I always thought they did that because they were planning to add more to Hearthfire, then right after "Dragonborn" they say, "Yep, we're done, we might do a few patches" (Which they never did fix anything after that, again, lazy, wolves still do not howl, and though minor, is annoying seeing mute wolves on top of other things I see from time to time in game). Hopefully the next game won't be the same cop-out, But at least modders stepped up and at least fixed some things themselves while others (Like the good folks working on UBR), did what Beth said "Couldn't be done.", no.. It can, their designers are just lazy.

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"I get it, you want to-Ride the bull.", Uh, no dude, just... no,.

When he said that, I lost it. Still a great follower.



Solas... boring

In normal game yes, but if you were an eleven lady and picked him he is very well written and I really liked the romance. The ending shocked me, that b&@*$ took my sick tattoos.

I'm the only thinks he looks like that caption Spock from ST? All he needs is a wig.



Varic, pretty much the same as he was in DA2

You have no idea how hard I ship him with cass though. They are the best comedy duo!



Vivienne... Why is she a companion? I think she's only there to annoy everyone, not that I have anything against circle mages

She seems like a filler.



For the hearthfire DLC homes, it was meant as a family homes where you relax with your loved ones. The houses are not a stronghold like the oblivion dlc houses. Look at fort dawnguard, imp forts and the castles. If they wanted to they could make it combat geared, but it not because it a family house. It seemed that skyrim scripting was not that amazing to have more things to pick.


Beth seems to have a lot of problems with time in both oblivion and Skyrim. In the ck you can find script where you can have giants in the war, they wanted werewolves in oblivion, the kids textures are from fallout 3 etc They are kind of people when given time, will be able to make great things like morrowind.

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Compatibility: Done.


Next up on Thursday? Final model assigning and underwear completion.


I'm not doing anything Wednesday because I've got a DnD session, and they can't do much in a Lovecraft campaign without their magic caster!

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