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Nice! Your pants are oversized so feet don't have mismatch with the body :P

I'm working on a custom armor now. It's not for UBR, but I can convert it and see how it looks!

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That looks really lore-friendly.



Looks good derok. The skinning especially is surprisingly good. Are you sure you replied completely only on copying it without any manual adjustments? Now I remember the other reason I wanted to tweak the skeleton though- it would look a lot more natural if the thighs were shortened and the shins lengthened, but it's not worth messing with the mesh and armour. The nice thing about skeleton changes is it readjusts anything skinned to that bone. Don't worry people have done this sort of stuff thousands of times, since morrowind. I just need to confirm how to do it right. I think I'll shoot xp32 or someone a pm.


There seems to be a small gap more on the right foot, I don't know if it's due to the vertices not lining up, or skinning differences at the joint. Either way welding the feet to the body and/or reskinning the joint will make it seamless. What's up with the pointed backside? Did you use my edited body and cut the tail off, or is there some other reason for that?

Skeleton tweak: Looks much more natural with shorter thighs and longer shins. I would like to go further but: a. it seems it can only be scaled uniformly so I really don't want to make the thighs too skinny. b. this is a far as I can take it without clipping while doing things like sitting down getting too bad. The upper body is also scaled down slightly to make it proportional to the smaller thighs so note to self: increase race size in ck by 1.01.





Do you know how to fix the gaps or do you want me to try and do it? It's not as easy as I first thought, because since the 0 and 1 bodies are already made, welding the legs then later breaking them could potentially upset the vertex numbering.



My original plan while making it on my own was to make it seamless first(which I did) then create the _1 mesh by scaling it up equally at the joints. Obviously we can't do that now. So I dunno I think I'll try to weld and break and hopefully the vertex order stays the same.

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I like the body I use now. Looks balanced and fits both Argonians and Khajiits.

But I will wait an answer from Senviro, looks like he knows about anathomy.

For creating the _1 we need to use modifiers such as the meshdeform, scaling joints won't work.

And I don't understand what is your problem exporting stuff...

Edited by Derok
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I think you might have um, misunderstood every single thing I said. First of all, it's the same body. The only thing changed were the size of the bones in the skeleton. Everything scales accordingly, including any armour or clothing. Second of all, it doesn't take an anatomy expert to see that even now the shin is waaay too short, digitigrade legs have extremely short thighs, not shins. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-bee0YyXyJ-4/T06F5vC7TmI/AAAAAAAAAy4/SRdGKcjwwk0/s1600/HumbirdlegCCS11.jpg


But fine, sigh, hopefully our local anatomy expert will back me up on this.



Thirdly, I don't have any trouble exporting stuff, I was talking about the original workflow I was going to use, in order to avoid gaps between the feet and shin. But let's not get into that anymore, just tell me what the plan is to remove the gaps.


and lastly, can you please tell me what the heck is with the pointed behind, I asked if that was the result of cutting off my tail, but you never answered me.

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I didn't answer you? Oh sorry.
The bodies are given from Senviro and I didn't use your model, because you broke uv maps.
To answer the bird skeleton reference, a creature with an upright posture would never balance on those legs.

This is a good reference:


Whatever you changed on the skeleton, can you pass it? Thanks.

Edited by Derok
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No worries. And I might have gone overboard, cause I spent hours tweaking that haha.


Yea. I just wanted to show you an extreme example. That drawing still has thighs that are a lot shorter, but the shins are not too far. I am ok with how it is now. Like I said the animations can't cope with too much change. And also it's quite close to morrowind's except those had humongous feet.


Ugh I need to sleep. I'll send you the skeleton tomorrow. Don't worry you can do whatever you want it is completely seperate from the mesh.



Edit: stupid phone autocorrect changed separate to desperate


Sen it won't clip, the bones scale ANYTHING skinned to it. Texture stretching yea, but it looked fine to me. You can see for yourself later. I dunno, it may look fine standing, but if the shins are any shorter it looks really awkward in motion, kinda like a stump

Edited by bilotheretard
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