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Nvidia Physx on the ps4


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It looks like that Hybrid chip is turnng out to be a beast, its going to be a mash up of Nvidia parts and AMD combined, it almost seems like they have joined forces ;D





Considering this a console using to different manufacturers caught my attention, especially sense Physx is strictly Nvidia


the ps3 had it though to begin with, some third party games used it, but it had a nvidia chip to begin with.


Edited by Thor.
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I am guessing they are going to be using some acceleration, strictly cpu isn't that efficient, that would be more like direct compute then physx

controversial at best

Edited by Thor.
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'Nvidia may not be powering Sony's next-gen console hardware, but its physics software, PhysX and APEX, will be present in PlayStation 4 games.'

*There is no hybrid solution within the PS4. It is likely the same Nvidia PhysX library found on any computer with a PhysX game installed.*


There are a few processors powerful enough out now which can do just about anything PhysX throws at them, though I doubt the next gen console are just going to be able to. I will keep my fingers crossed for developers to use DirectComputer or OpenCL for their physics effects instead of using Nvidia's hardware exclusive 'PhysX', or at least have Nvidia convert PhysX to something amd can use.


If they are using alternative methods to allow physx to run on amd hardware in the next gen consoles why is it still being called PhysX? The CUDA cores were the only reason amd cards were unable to do this and developers do not need Nvidia to provide tech for them if they are using something like OpenCL.

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I am guessing they are going to be using some acceleration, strictly cpu isn't hat efficient, that would be more like direct compute then physx


controversial at best


It was terrible in Mafia 2, I was running it on an i7 and it still dragged the frame rate down. Having it available doesn't mean devs will use it, DirectCompute/OpenCL can do everything Physx can and will run quite happily on AMD hardware.

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We'll soon find out i guess, mixed as what exactly they are using for the processing :teehee: both is touchy subject with Nvidia, its been discussed before.

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I thought he Tressfx were really cool. I am hoping all future 'radeon gaming' titles start including things like that. The best part was both AMD and Nivida users were able to take full advantage of it.


Yeah it was really good in Tomb Raider, the way the hair moved was very realistic.

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