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Um...disable the console??!!


That is completely impossible!! (Unless you reprogram the game lol)


However, have you ever thought of simply not opening it so that it doesn't disturb you and if you want a way to kill the temptation of cheating...good old willpower could do it.

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There was an occasion I really wished I could do that. I have a friend who likes to cheat and he played the game much faster than me. He was constantly spoiling my quests. Do you know when you ask them to shut up but they still spoiling it? Damn irritating! :ranting:

Here you go, a good reason for disabling it. :)

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Ow. I read that and it just sounds painful O.o Anyways, I never cheat anyways, besides using the occasional TCL to get unstuck from a plant or something. But dont use it for long because you will make it so NPC's can walk through walls too. Then some dissappear and you might be screwed for a quest or something.
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Ow. I read that and it just sounds painful O.o Anyways, I never cheat anyways, besides using the occasional TCL to get unstuck from a plant or something. But dont use it for long because you will make it so NPC's can walk through walls too. Then some dissappear and you might be screwed for a quest or something.

That's where the RA console command comes in(Reset Actors). It puts them back in their rightful place. Never tried it myself though incase i screw up a quest/mod or something:)

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'Fixme' will work just as well and not run the risks you mention. It also gets you past npc's standing in doorways.


BTW I don't think RA will spoil anything, I use it all the time as otherwise the npcs tend to move out of position and bunch together.


It doesn't always work if a character has disappeared completely or for Aeta Wave-Breaker who in a couple of my games ends up in the middle of Caldera and refuses to be reset! (Not that this makes any difference to the game.)

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