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Neck gap on edited NPC


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I'm doing it short:

-changed sex of Llewelyn using ck

-started game

-got this:


I can temporarily fix it using setnpcweight, but once i reload she once again has this neckgap.


Hope anybody can help.

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I can only suggest changing the character in the CK rather than the console. If you do find a solution or mod it yourself please post back. I too would prefer a female bard for Lakeview Manor.


Using your method doesn't "she" still have a creepy male voice?

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As i mentioned, i used the ck to change the sex, therefore she also has a female voice(or can potentially have any voice i want). Using the console i can temporarily fix the neck gap, but i am more interested in a permanent solution.


Once i get this mod working i will surely share it, since i guess many people want a female bard in lakeview, or a bard who can sing "the dragonborn comes"(it is definitly not acceptable, to have a bard in the dragonborn's house who can't sing this song)

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After searching for quite some time i came to the realization, that there is no way to permanently fix this issue, if an npc is "edited".


Seeing that, i was wondering, is it possible to "replace" an npc. meaning i delete the original Llewellyn and replace him with a completely new npc who is targeted by his quests and dialog options? If yes, which original traits do i need to keep?

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I had the same problem yesterday when I was fiddling with my Yzolda character. It puzzled me.

I did it before, and the first time I did it the hard way and wrote down Lisettes face codes manually, and then inserted them in Yzoldas character, because I couldn't find her face code in the list (I was dumb. Yzolda is a Nord Race). But it worked fine. There was no neck gap. I played with her for a long time.

Last night I wanted her to have a new Apachii hair style. I was sitting for a while and looking at the different option and found out Lisette was a Breton Race. So, I grabbed her facecode for Yzolda and a new hair style. And I got the face gap plus greyed out face...

Fiddling with it today I did what seemed logical: I had to strech the graphics to cover this gap. The only way I could do this was to increase her weight.

I changed her body to Breton race, moved the weight bar to the top (100) and scaled it to 1,20. The neck gap is gone.


I can't really see the difference in her weight. It looks the same to me.

Before (with neck gap):

http://i1319.photobucket.com/albums/t675/mushashi_suym/Skyrim/Skyrim_2013-07-12_1516_neckgap_zps0a15a2e2.jpg http://i1319.photobucket.com/albums/t675/mushashi_suym/Skyrim/Skyrim_2013-07-12_1526_neckgap_zps53a6b1e4.jpg

After (no neck gap, more weight):

http://i1319.photobucket.com/albums/t675/mushashi_suym/Skyrim/Skyrim_2013-07-12_1575_fixedneckgap_zps7b65063a.jpg http://i1319.photobucket.com/albums/t675/mushashi_suym/Skyrim/Skyrim_2013-07-12_1538_fixedneckgap_zpsc657ec0c.jpg http://i1319.photobucket.com/albums/t675/mushashi_suym/Skyrim/Skyrim_2013-07-12_1545_fixedneckgap_zps7d2f3cef.jpg

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