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The most heart touching moments in Skyrim


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Thought it might be ok to post "heart-breaking" instead of "heart-warming".


And of course with mods applied, experiences may vary.


I'm amidst the quest to go and let a wife know that her husband is dead. Upon arrival with my 6 companions (UFO) I see a giant spider approaching the farm so I race to get to the spider first. Epic fail. By the time I get there the spider is attacking the wife. I panic with a fire spell setting the spider on fire. Both the spider and the wife die. MESSAGE: Mission Failed. The wife's son sees this and starts screaming at me. Get away from me!! I killed her. He runs in the house. I go after him to make sure he's ok. He repeats, "Get away from me!" He puts his fist up to fight me. I pray he doesn't touch me because i know my companions will run him through, saddle up, and leave like nothing happened. Fortunately, he just cowers. So we leave him there.


Further along in my quest, I do a head count and notice one of my companions is missing - Jenassa from Whiterun. So I back track through the cave to the beginning but no sign of her. (BTW, Jenassa has the SBF mod and I wouldn't have cared about her absence if she was vanilla.) I decide to just finish the mission figuring she was still outside sitting on a horse or stuck behind a rock or something that remained because I left the "cell" before she became free.


I finish the quest and go outside again - no sign of her. I start to think she left me because she is a merc without loyalty. So I speed travel back to Whiterun to drop off the loot and check the inn where I met her. She's not there either. Now I'm getting concerned. I'm running all over Whiterun looking for her.


On the way, I run into my adopted daughter Lucia. She asks me to play with her. "Sorry, not right now." I'm looking for Jenassa, I'm thinking. And that was going to come back to bite me. Fully aware (well, mostly aware) I am playing a video game, I still feel this guilt sinking in.


Last idea - let's back track from the cave back to the point where I know for sure we were all together - the farm where the wife was killed. That eerie thought sent chills down my spine as I remembered the last time one of my companions died - Lydia, fell down some hole with me into a cage with water exposed to an electric current. Seeing her body lay there made me feel like a bad gamer and worst companion - Reload.


So I speed travel back to the cave. At the base of mountain where the cave was located I was greeted by (no, not Jenassa) a bounty collector as king for 2,000 gold or turn myself in. I'm thinking, "Dude, I don't even know you." He doen't like my responses and comes after me. Before he could land a couple of solid hits on me, he was surrounded by my 5 companions in what looked like someone getting jumped out of a gang. Needless to say, I never got off of my horse.


I track all the way back to the farm and still no sign of her. Ok, let's go all the way back to Riften. She was there with me for sure. It's getting late now. I have always mocked the genius of trying to find someone in the wilderness in the dark - but here I am.


In the distance as we get closer to Riften, I can see 3 gaurds standing in the road - one with a torch. The one with the torch walks towards me and stops me. He precedes to tell me about the bounty on my head for 2,000 gold. I killed that woman - that's why they are after me. Wanting to make amends for it, I turn myself in. - fade to black.


I wake up and guess who's in jail with me --- Jenassa. They must have grabbed her shortly after the murder. I get the option to sleep until my sentence is over. I take it - but I don't know how long I was in jail for.


Upon my release, I head back to Whiterun with my 6 companions now and I am feeling good. I actually speed traveled to the stables outside Whiterun so we can ride the horses to the gate. Once we arrive at the stables, Farmer Peraglia (I think that's how you spell it) walks past us heading for Whiterun. He ends up going through the gate right before we do. It is 5 am.


Once through the gate, we were immediately attacked by 4 vampires. We dispatched them quickly but the farmer didn't make it. In going through the bodies for loot I noticed that the gaurd who normally stands by the gate was gone. I figured the vampires had gotten to him as well or on another night and the body was gone already.


I finally make it back to Breezehome and my first thought is to check on Lucia. She's gone...wtf? It is close to 6 by now so I figured she went out to play. I searched all of Whiterun for her but to no avail. She is gone.


Now others online have talked about a bug where adopted children go missing but I would like to say this. Since the vampire attacks started, a few people have been killed from Whiterun and I have collected the keys to their homes. But they are gone because they were out walking late at night. I have caught Lucia out at 4:00 am in the morning. I think it is possible the AI simulated Lucia out playing late at night during a vampire attack and her along with one of the Whiterun gaurds were killed and their bodies removed before I came back. Again, I don't know how long I was in jail.


The heart-breaking part was that if this was not a bug then Lucia must have been killed and the last thing I told her was that I was too busy because I was looking for Jenassa who was serving time for a crime I committed.


At first I was angry. I wanted to turn into a werewolf and slaughter what was left of Whiterun with the aid of the Companions and my followers but I guess I have no one to blame but myself.


---if it wasn't a bug.


Regardless, the best thing that 90% of this experience was unscripted. Bethesda merely created the possiblities for things to happen and I rolled the dice. Definitely my best RPG experience ever!

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for me i adopted Sophie and farad (one of the honor hall kids) and while i never play with then i'm always givng them gifts, wooden swords, daggers, dolls, allways on the look out for a new gift for them. And they started in Breezehome, but throug hthe course of the game i've gotten every house you can buy or build (save windhelm, since i'm legion). So then i hear Sophie comment how Braith is mean so i'm like "ok we're moving, I may be a vampire with over 700 confirmed feedings but your my daughter and i want you happy!" and so begins the quest for the perfect home, poor kids have been to riften, solutude, winstor manor, and honor hall (i rencently got markarth and falreaths houses) and awyas something seemed to harrass or scare them, so eventually they settle in the Halmarch Hall and i come home one day to see Sophic has adopted a Fox. Well it's on a hill, has a nice over view of White run, maybe this is the right place for them. I suppose we can try out Markarth or Falkreath soon, just to see if they like it but i think i've found a place they can call home. One thing is for sure though they are never going to Windhelm....yeah that's swhere i want to raise my kids, a freaking house of a serial killer

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This might not really fit here . . .


But, to my thinking, the single most important thing about the dragonborn is that he or she is part human and part dragon. The dragonborn is both human and dragon. Or maybe he's really neither one. Whatever the truth, the dragonborn is a bridge.


I never thought the dragons as a whole were especially bad or evil or any of that. The Dragon Priests, sure; I hate those guys. But the dragons, not so much. (Esp. not in Skyrim, where everything is going wrong and where even a friendly voice is sometimes hard to find.)


Just like you, the first dragon I fought was Mirmulnir at the Western Watch Tower. He was full of himself during the fight, talking about how Sovngarde awaited the human guards and my own guy. But when Mirmulnir is finally going down and knows it--and when he recognizes that he's up against a dragonborn--his last words are, "Dovahkiin, no!" Mirmulnir was probably the only one there at the Western Watch Tower who understood that he was not only going to die again, but that this time it would be for keeps.


My gut feeling when Mirmulnir died was that the dragons and the dragonborn were all caught up in Skyrim's destiny--each had an unasked-for role to play from which there would be no escape.


I felt like I'd killed a brother. And neither Mirmulnir nor my dragonborn guy had any choice in the matter. . . .


I don't take anything from the dragons when I kill one of them. Now that I'm a little more on top of things, I always try to have a sapphire to give to the fallen dragon. That first time, when I was stumbling around with Mirmulnir--way back when--I didn't have a sapphire, of course, but I gave him some wild flowers. (It was all I had to give.)




@FreddeN93: Thanks for asking about this.

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now see here my character has no problem looting and even carving up dragons, she's a hunter and yeah sure dragons are sentient but really they all want to rule, as a Nord she is well versed in Tiber Septim and the myth of the Dragon War, and the idea of them comming back in force scares her. She doesn't really see herself as part dragon, as the lore says it's a gift from Akatos and Kyne, the ability to speak as dragon's do. Even not Dragonborn can learn it even if it takes a few years (see Ulfric or Jurgan Windcaller)

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  • 4 weeks later...

I was passing through Riverwood when we came under a dragon attack. After the dust had settled, Alvor and his wife lay dead on the ground. Their daughter, Dorthe, just stood there in shock repeating "I can't believe this is happening!". I tried to see if she was ok. "I don't want to talk about it." she cried and ran away.


The dragonborn was prepared for anything; arrows, swords, spells. But nothing ever cut through to the heart straight and true as the tears of a heartbroken little girl. So I reload a previous save and re-do the scenario. I think I ended up reloading a couple more times because Alvor and Sigrid just had to be heroes.


Until finally, as the dragon lay dead before us, I anxiously look for casualties. Sigrid and Dorthe run up to join the crowd. But where's Alvor? Then I see him on the other side and with a broad grin, he sings out; "Sigrid! Love of my life! ..."


It was a classic hollywood moment.



Ugh.... Alvor. I have had to reload upwards of 5 times to keep that idiot alive. Now that I'm on a PC ressurect saves a lot of time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

^Think of it this way, sure to us players children are importal dimigods, but to the people of Skyrim? That's the last thing they are. If they die at least their daughter girl is alive, you think a Dragon is going to watch after their little snack, i mean daughter?

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  • 4 weeks later...

For me, the most heart touching moment was the cutscene in Alduin's Bane, when Gormlaith screamed ''For Skyrim'' and died.

Another one was when I was going to Alftand Ruins. On the way, I found a camp with the remains of someone. In the journal he said he was waiting for his beloved.

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The house of curiosities by Calixto. There was something heartwarming about his apparent personality, the loving way he talks about his deceaced sister, and the simple/childish way he presents his collection of 'rare' items. Even later knowing he was a depraved murderer, I always keep a save for that tour in my playthroughs.

It seems to be a recurring theme in the world, that serial killers have really nice personalities.... (Blood on the Ice)

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