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Fist Weapons?


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Having recently downloaded the Psiblades mod, I got to thinking about Starcraft, specifically about the Zealots and Templars. In Starcraft, the Templar would swing their psiblade like a regular sword, but the zealots used a much less refined "punch holes in everything" method.


And it got me to thinking...


Skyrim has the Fists of Steel perk that allows heavy armour gauntlets to deal their armour rating in extra damage...


So why not add fist weapons? Things like brass knuckles, knuckle spikes, wristblades, or even gauntlets designed specifically to rip your opponents to pieces in combat?


I'll post a few examples here just to clarify what I'm talking about.


Devil May Cry - "Ifrit":



A set of primitive-looking brass knuckles:



Katars, a la Soul Calibur's Voldo:



A few more nameless examples:





And a fist weapon from WoW:





I figure there's got to be a way to use the Fists of Steel perk to make this possible...basically, these weaponised gloves/accessories would be used in place of swords, daggers, axes, and such. They'd deal the same damage as, say, a dagger (with base damage scaled according to the material they're made from, iron being weakest, dragon being strongest, maybe have a few weaker materials in the "misc" section), but would only require the hand-to-hand animations.


Can this be done, or am I dreaming of pipes?

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