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Lots of pausing in my game


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Hi everyone.


I am getting really bad pausing in my game whilst outside. It appears to happen when something is loading. I can be walking around the wasteland getting around 50fps, then suddenly for about a second it drops to around 18-20.


I am running lots of graphics mods such as texture packs, Project Reality and an ENB, but it happens with or without them. I even put all of my settings to the lowest value, and I still get framerate drops. I have a game going atm near the start(just a tester really) where I am running between Sloan and Goodsprings with settings on/off, and about half way between the two(there is a drop in the road) is an area where this happens. It drops very low.


Specs are:


Phenom x4 965

6950 2gb

16gb RAM



Is there anything I can do?



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You should not have this kind of issue with that spec indeed, what leads me to think the actual problem is sound... yeah, don't laugh :)


That's an old known issue, the advice is for you to get a third party codecs pack, like the K-lite for example.


You could try some mods also, I don't remember if there is an equivalent to "quiet feet" for Fallout NV or any other audio related fix.

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Thank you for your reply nosisab. I have installed K-lite, but don't know if there are any other steps? ....it hasn't mad a difference to my game so far.


So far I have tried:


FPS limiter

windowed mode

stutter remover

Maybe better is directing you to http://www.geforce.com/Optimize/Guides/new-vegas-tweak-guide#1 where you can find specific tweaks for the game and general tweaks for the whole system.


Edit: Despite being a Nvidia site it is still good for AMD/ATI cards.

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Well I know what your problem is, it isn't much in the way of sound though it's likely that has an effect also. What you're talking about is the constant sudden drop in FPS as you move around the Mojave/Exteriors. This is caused by the processor having a lot to render in cells that are loading as you go along, not the GPU, CPU has first say. Let me tell you that my OCed 3960X (4.7ghz) has the SAME problems, even with Xfired 7970s. You need to play with the Object Fade settings and Tree fade settings in order to reduce this as much as possible.


An example: Oblivion has this same "pause" on vanilla, ON MY PC. NV is worse.


SOme more specific advice:


Make sure the setting in the INI file ugridstolaod is at 5 (for your system). You may want to change the setting bLandLOfadetime to HALF of your selected TIMESCALE - this affects the way the landscape textures load in front of you, by default it's 15 of course, can reduce stuttering and land not not fading in. The Object fade settings I refer to can be better adjusted in Configator, for you I recommend an Object fade of 40,000 and tree fade of 35000. Also, you may want to disable AA and Anistropic filtering in game and directly override it with CCC or Geforce, this greatly improves performance at no visual loss, if not better. Another recommendation: set interior/exterior cell buffer to 12/72 respectively. reduces load on RAM and CPU can access the records faster (the highest this etting can go safely is 24/144 and has a pretty dramatic affect on FPS from what I have tested.)

Change all of these settings in both Fallout.ini, Falloutdefault.ini (in root game folder) and Fallouprefs.ini. I highly recommend Configator for changing most of these things. This is just a off the top recommendation for those specs, you may wwant to experiment further.


Now on another note, ENB has varying performance affects from PC to PC, it may dramatically drop FPS on some, but then not much on others. Try mods like Cinematech, Dynavision, Imaginator and Directors Chair, they've never failed me and never cost me a FPS.


Also worth noting, the weakest piece of hardware you must consider, is the HDD. If you're running the game off a normal HDD than you can expect a lot more of that load stutter than if you re running an SSD. I know this first hand, hell look at my sig for specs.


And well there is more you can do but this is the main stuff :). Happy testing!!!

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