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Better cities Syrim edition


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Dear readers of this thread, dear modders of Skyrim Nexus,


as bugfixing SMALL issues costs a HUGE amount of time, moozilbee and I have come to the conclusion of recruiting new and unexperienced modders for interior design.

The idea is to give you new modders a way to contribute to a huge project without much or no knowledge at all in the creation kit. This way our focus lies on bugfixing and navmesh.


The way the collaboration would work is that each modder would have to design a SINGLE interior for a house. Via personal message here on the nexus you will then get information

on who lives in the house and how wealthy they are. The rest is then up to your imagination. As there are tons of tutorials on Youtube and Google for creating basic house interiors

you DO NOT need any knowledge prior to contributing the interior for this project. Also we can answer your questions concerning the creation kit here via personal messages.


The huge benefit is that each interior will have its own feel to it as many different modders hopefully have different visions as to how to design a house interior. This will make every

house more unique! I hope that many unexperienced modders would want to try something like this out. Of course we will credit you for your work on this group project of "Better Cities Skyrim"


Hope to hear from you guys soon,



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Oh hey, haven't seen this thread in ages :D

So, for a while I've been working with Twarrior to redo the lighting in his interiors, fix bugs, completely fix navmeshing in the interiors and main street, add my own personal touches to the mod for diversity, etc, just generally adding polish and bug fixing. We're soon to merge with the Solitude bathhouse mod (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/18811/?) which I will go over for any bugs and issues, and then edit the lighting so that it fits with the rest of Solitude.


However, one of the most time sucking things I have to do is making interiors unique, editing them to have different books, plants, items, furniture placement, etc, and so me and Twarrior have come to the agreement to get outside help from other modders.

People of all levels of Creation Kit experience are welcome, we'll give you some basic information (EG: Small wooden farmhouse for 2 adults), then you simply create your own .esp file, make a new interior, and the rest is up to you! Once you're done, you can send the file to me, and I'll use Tes5edit & the CK to check the mod for any bugs & issues, and that's it!

If you've never used the Creation Kit before but would like to learn, this is a good way, as we'll be able to guide you and help you with any issues you might have, and you'll still be making valuable contribution to the project. All contributes will be credited, of course! Sp, no matter your skill level with the CK, write a comment or send me a PM, and I'll help you get started!

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After playing tons of cities:skylines and somewhat neglecting modding I am now back!

To celebrate the continous work on Better Cities here is an update on Solitude:


Better Cities Solitude - Design philosophy

Update as of 22. April 2015


“Set upon a great stone arch that towers above the mouth of the Karth River, the city is surrounded by the soaring peaks of the nearby mountains. Solitude is both a reinforced and breathtaking stronghold. It is the capital city of both Haafingar, Skyrim, and the Imperial Legion in Skyrim.¨¨The Elder Scrolls Wikia)


The geographical surroundings with mountains to the northwest and west and the cliffs of the stone arch to the north and east limit Solitude in its space. The heavy fortifications with double gates to the south also limit city expansion. So why is it then that spacing between houses in Solitude, especially on the long avenue to the blue palace, is so inefficient? The villas house the rich and wealthy of the city and they want their space, yet so much more places in vanilla Skyrim are unused despite this design philosophy for the villas on the stone arch. Better Cities Solitude will not shrink the villas or move them closer together but instead finds spots that are previously unused and are perfect areas for additional buildings. For example: a bathhouse has been added next to the blue palace and a villa on the eastern side of the stone arch has been built into the city wall (like people actually built in the middle ages).


As capital city, not only of Haafingar hold but the whole province of Skyrim, Solitude does not seem too well fortified or of significant military strength. Not only does it lack in military supplies and logistics but also in manpower of the Imperial Army (not counting guards). Better Cities Solitude improves the military feel of the capital of Skyrim by adding more fortifications, a supply depot, a military bar and a weapon issue to Castle Dour. As for the main gate of Solitude: it has been build higher and with wooden walkways for archers and now includes a large roundtower as bulwark. The smaller second gate now has a usable rock trap and additional smaller tower added to it.


Not only military power but cosmopolitan and commercial connections throughout the province and Tamriel make Solitude the capital of Skyrim. Better Cities Skyrim adds more traders to Solitude, a new hotel for imperial travelers and merchants and a “Bureau of Census and Commerce”. Embassies for other races are also planned as new wings in the Blue Palace.

Please keep in mind that by far not all changes and additions in the Better Cities Skyrim mod for Solitude have been named in this development blog.

Edited by TWarrior
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