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I'm pissed "Azuras Star"


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I used to be a big fan of Morrowwind and Oblivion


Skyrim is wonderful, but I hate it to go in a dungeon and

got killed with one shot.


Background. I bought the book "Offical Game Guide"


On Page 580 [8.15] Ilinalta's Deep


Recommended Level 8


I'm 29 Mage and I have Lydia with me


The Arch Mage is killing me with one spell.


I think this dungeon is for higher Levels than 8.



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Enemies scale with you. As you level, THEY level. In addition, there are 'level breaks' where enemies will jump in difficulty.


Also, mods can affect enemy difficulty, as well as your equipment and the way you built your character. Assuming you don't have any seripous problems from any of those, you probably just need to change your tactics (don't let him hit you).

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At a certain point, enemy mages suddenly turn into highly effecient killing machines. I recall this one fire mage who kept murdering me over an over. Massive fireball volleys, Flame Cloak for when I tried to move into hitting range, crazy damage soak, etc. I had to sneak up on him, knock him over with Unrelenting Force and then unload power attacks on him before he could get up. And even then it took a few tries before I managed to put him down.

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Dude, Mages still kick my ass, and my guy's level 64! It's because my character has virtually no magic resistance damage whatsoever, so the magic spells ignore my armor. Since BethSoft nerfed magic resistance enchantments, the only effective way to protect against magic attacks is with the barrier spells or Spellbreaker.

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